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NMM Trouble!!! HELP!


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Hey guys ive done some searching and some previous posting, and im still having trouble removing\deleting mods thru my mod manager...thats the only way i know how to mod is thru NMM. I have the latest version 34.0 but ive been having the problem since 31.1. when i try to delete the mod, NMM freezes half way thru then i have to close it? this is starting to suck, i havent played now in 2 weeks because im fed up with it....I usually have like 150 mods Dl'ed at a time, so it sucks that i cant get rid of ones that i want to like armors, weapons, etc...to start a new character... can anyboyd please help\


Greatly Appreciated


Greg G.

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Best way then is do it manually, delete al conetns of themod in data and just uncheck them, look inside the zip for the mod and see what content i has to be removed, but with so much mods, you'll prolly need a lot of bakup from times before the mods were instaled, that might be a problem for you perhaps? Edited by Shadiva
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Best way then is do it manually, delete al conetns of themod in data and just uncheck them, look inside the zip for the mod and see what content i has to be removed, but with so much mods, you'll prolly need a lot of bakup from times before the mods were instaled, that might be a problem for you perhaps?


NMM keeps the .zip under Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods\ by default. As the Shadiva stated, the best way to uninstall most mods manually is to open the .zip and one by one, go through your \~Skyrim~\Data\ folder and delete all of the files. Leave the folders intact, unless they contain the mod's name or something, as most mods share some common folders.


As an example, \~Skyrim~\Data\Meshes\... and \~Skyrim~\Data\Textures\... are both very popular root directories. Don't delete the "Textures" folder itself, just the particular files pertaining to your mod(s) beneath it.

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Yeah MShoap13 put it in a better way :biggrin: Thanks! i even have a bunch of typos, sorry about that :sweat: was very tired hehe



One of the reasons i always manually download, so i can see exactly what and where i have my mods/files

that way i can easaly see what contents there is in any mod i am using and easy to delete and also see what it changes/overithe

in case of i need to bakup anything before installing, and most mods dont have the function to be installed true NMM and some just aint gonna work from

using NMM either, so i recommend atleast download manually, and put them in a map outside Skyrims, like make one on plain C: like "C:/Skyrim mods" :thumbsup:


its sweet to have a full picture of everything, it gets confusing as it is sometimes still :biggrin:



hope it was of some help to you

Happy modding mate!

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thanks for all the great input.....Id be telling a lie if i said i wasnt nervous about deleting the files manually....ive have never installed manually or deleted manually before. It just seems weird that after like 6 months of using NMM and switching between 1000 mods, that now this is happening and i cant uninstall or uncheck any mod thru my NMM....however i will try the manual thing out.


thanks again.

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Have you read THIS ?

Point 7 is about "NMM crashes when trying to uninstall a mod."



Lol yes i have def read this, do i understand and know how to do this, no way thats why i use the NMM.

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The beauty of is that if it messes up, just add the files you deleted and it was as before, so dont be afraid, but try do a full copy of hole skyrim folder, and then try delete the files you seem needed to be deleted, if it screws anything up, only copy/paste it bak the Skyrim folder and it was a it was before :) bakup on saves aswell ! :thumbsup:




thanks for all the great input.....Id be telling a lie if i said i wasnt nervous about deleting the files manually....ive have never installed manually or deleted manually before. It just seems weird that after like 6 months of using NMM and switching between 1000 mods, that now this is happening and i cant uninstall or uncheck any mod thru my NMM....however i will try the manual thing out.


thanks again.

Edited by Shadiva
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  • 1 month later...
Ok guys, in kinda still having the problem......i was able to go into the NMM mods folder......when i delete say the "Warnage Armor" compressed zip file, I go to resart NMM and it says the mod was deleted before deactivating first and it cant open unless i putback the file or allow NMM to deactivate the mod . I cant deactivate it first because thats when i get the tracelog error, and if i let NMM do it at the beginning I get the tracelog error, it worked after a few tries, but i had to put back some mods. I was able to delete 2 or 3 but most wont work in this fashion. what am i doing wrong??
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Don't delete the .zip.


Open the .zip and compare it's contents to your \Data\ directory. Remove any files you find that are from said .zip.

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