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NMM Trouble!!! HELP!


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dude im soo lost, how do I compare the files? and how do i open the data? the Yellow folder in the NMM??


C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\


Open the .zip, inside it you will find folders like \textures\ or \meshes\ inside of them will be other folders and files. When you find a file within the .zip that you'd like to remove, navigate to the same directory within the \Skyrim\Data\ folder and delete it. Systematically go through the .zip and get rid of all of it's files from your game. From here you can safely deactivate the mod through NMM but I'd recommend testing in-game before deleting the .zip.


If you're removing a mod that adds something to the game (a new armor for example) it's best to remove said item from your character or any container (chest) through the console (player.removeitem xxxxxxxx # where xxxxxxxx is the RefID of the item [click on it with the console up] and # is the quantity to be removed) and make a clean save that doesn't rely on said armor.

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Thanks for your help really, im going to give it a shot after I reread your info a few times to grasp it. Why wont the NMM do it for me tho, how come I have to do this manually? did i do something wrong for this to happen?
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I really don't know why NMM is freezing for you. It would be best to post about it over in the NMM forum but that doesn't come with any guarantees.
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ok so far i have been able open the seperate folders the skyrim\mods and the steamapps/common one . I see the zipped files in the mods folder. I go back to the common\data folder and delete the mods i need? are they the BSA and ESP files??? what happens if the mod wasnt a zip to begin with? Edited by Gregnice30
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If NMM installed a mod, it was in a .zip, .7z, or .rar archive.


If you need an application to see inside of the .7z or .rar archives grab 7zip.


Don't delete any files or folders you think you need.


Open (double click) the .zip of the mod you're trying to uninstall. Explore it's folder structure. Find what files came from it and went into your \Skyrim\Data\ directory. Delete the files; not the folders (Skyrim.exe is a file, femalebody_1.dds is a file, randomhairpack.esp is a file, randomhairpack.bsa is a file, \Data\ is a folder, \textures\ is a folder).

Edited by MShoap13
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this sucks i know what your saying now, and i am able to do this.......however the NMM still crashes when trying to uncheck the mod? I dont get it it, it knows the mods deleted but still wont uncheck, then i have the same problem restarting NMM. and i have a few hundred mods dl'ed ......this is gonna take me forever....am i right? Im about to just start over and reinstall skyrim/steam/nexus.....whats the best way to do a complete uninstall?
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Uninstall NMM

Navigate to \Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Install Info\ and delete anything left inside this folder after uninstalling it.

Option A (fool proof method; takes longer):


Uninstall Skyrim

Navigate to \Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ and delete anything left inside this folder after the uninstall.

Reinstall Skyrim.


Option B (subject to human error; saves time):


"Browse to your \Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ and delete all files and subdirectories except for Data and DirectX10. Browse into data and select all (ctrl + a), now hold ctrl and deselect




Skyrim - Animations.bsa

Skyrim - Interface.bsa

Skyrim - Meshes.bsa

Skyrim - Misc.bsa

Skyrim - Shaders.bsa

Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

Skyrim - Textures.bsa

Skyrim - Voices.bsa

Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa



Now hit delete and watch the mess vanish."

Verify your Game Cache through Steam.


Reinstall NMM


Your saves may be dependent on some of your mods and may not load after doing this.

Edited by MShoap13
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