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To any talented modders, can you make a venom (symbiote) transformation spell? When transforming, the dragonborn will be slowly enveloped by the symbiote and becomes venom. Venom will have faster speed and higher jump, healing factor, claws (similar animation to werewolf) and ranged spells like shooting projectiles and webbing (has similar effect to the ice form shout, but is black). You can add front flip, back flip too if you Ike. You need not to add the white spider though to be lore-friendly.
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  • 1 year later...

And also, could someone modify the spell so that the Dragonborn can transform back and forth rather than just once a day, as well as when transforming back, the Dragonborn has all of his/her clothing on? Also, maybe the design can be of the "Spiderman Web of Shadows" reality to prevent the suit from looking too much like the original character's design(It doesn't have to be I'm just listing an option). I'll attach an image of both form's to display the difference's.

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