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Double tap left, right and backward to dodge sideways and back. double tap forward and the game will automatically detects an enemy within a few feet and within 45 to 60 degrees of field of vision of the player and performs a short whirlwind sprint to the front of the enemy. Player can then slash their enemy and quickly double tap backward to dodge backwards. Also a perk for blocking that allows the player to disarm an enemy's weapon when the player time his/her blocking correctly (though this can be very difficult to make). Finally, double jump. Player can double jump by double tapping jump. And when the player hits attack after double tapping jump, he/she will slam into the ground, sending enemies flying. This mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13142) teleports the player behind his enemy, i am just thinking that this might help in the enemy detection system. Btw, I know the tk dodge mod and that it shares some similarities with my request. Edited by weiquanHong
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