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Hello again,


Quick question.


Do i need something else along side Notepad++ to edit the values etc in the XComStrategyGame.int & XComGame.int files.


Ive found where the super soldiers are in the XComStrategyGame.int file.





Ive tried to change the name to a proper super soldier:


SuperSoldierFirstNames[0]=James "Logan"



As an experiment to see if it would change in game.


It hasn't so im assuming i need something else.


No disrespect intended to Sid Meier in anyway!!!!!, hes not a supersoldier like me:





I haven't got a second name!







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Do i need something else along side Notepad++ to edit the values etc in the XComStrategyGame.int & XComGame.int files.

As far as I know, Notepad++ should be enough.


In the executable is XGTacticalGameCore, XComMPData and XGLoadoutMgr. Those stands for DefaultGameCore.ini, DefaultMPGame.ini and DefaultLoadouts.ini.


Maybe you're missing some part of the puzzle to get it working.

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Got Hulk Hogan :)


Edit Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Localization\INT\XComStrategyGame.INT


Edit: BlackAlpha also modifies XComStrategyGame.int with Warspace Extension. Thread with some background is here.

Edited by Drakous79
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