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Dragons are not in their scripted location


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So today I decided to take care of some back logged miscellaneous quests. The first quest I decided to do was to kill the dragon at skyborn alter. I had already cleared the location at an earlier time and learned the word of power. When I got up to skyborn alter there was no dragon to be found. I have the mod Aemers Refuge installed and the dragons that are supposed to be there don't appear.


Another thing that is happening that may or may not be related is that sometimes bears are just standing up on their back legs and just sort of slide around the terrain. The same happens with trolls except they stand straight up with their arms straight out to the side. And then their health gets stuck at the point where it is almost gone and it takes several hits to kill them.


I also frequently encounter save bloat. I can decrease the save size by sleeping for 30 days and then it goes down somewhat but it is still increasing and fluctuates randomly.


This is a list of my mods. I am not sure if one of these is causing the problem but I think it must be.


Aemers Refuge(newly installed but issues were occurring before that)



Levelers Tower (newly installed but issues were occurring before that)

Become King of Riverhelm

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Dragon Souls to Perks (This could be the source of the dragon problem but the bear and troll problem was happening befor this was installed)

Fishing in Skyrim

Improved Fish

Dragon Killer Cart

Convenient Horses

Sky UI

Non-Hostile Friendly Fire (prevents followers from turning on me)

Spouse Store Mod

Nernies Thief Pack

Werewolf Mastery

Phendrix's Magic Evolved (with perks)

Skyrim Spells and Powers

UFO + Dawnguard add on

Aela The Huntress (a tweak I made that gets rid of her face tattoo has no dirty edits and is a very minor mod)

Bff Animal Companions

Pocket Empire Builder

Real Wildlife Skyrim (I have tried disabling this it didn't help)


Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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