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Batman (Dark Knight) Themes


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I'm not a modder, but I have a great idea for a Dark Knight themed mod and would love to collaborate with any skilled modders interested in investing their time in such a project. My initial ideas are as follows:


Dark Knight Heavy Armor Set: A unique set of armor (Hood with mask, Bat-emblem emblazoned body armor styled after Arkham Asylum/City costume with cloak, heavy gauntlets and boot with the serrated edges) meant to mimic the comic style, but darker and grittier. Can only be crafted after a certain point in the custom quest-line.


Custom Quest-line: Will require a mod that allows you to play as a child for a brief and very limit sequence, standard parent death scene before what will be the "Becoming the Dark Knight" sequence. Will run player through a series of training style missions with real objectives as the character tries to realize himself, a part of the Batman lore which is highly under used. Will require master of Sneak, Unarmed, Heavy Armor, and Spellsets that mimic the HUD of Batman's cowl and utility belt (detect life, various alteration, etc). Will require thrown weapons mod and custom "Batarangs." This will be for high level players looking for a unique challenge.


Enemies: Upon implementation of this mod, several Batman themed nemesis should appear with henchmen in the world, possibly with custom locations (Mr Freeze an Arch Frost Mage in an Ice Fortress in the North Sea, for example; Joker and joker style "bandits" in a Sheogorath like lair, possible even from the Mad-God's Realm o_O). Player will be able to fight with henchmen intially, but will be unable to kill/defeat main bosses, marked "Essential" until certain points in the story-line. Lairs should be constructed with both stealth and melee in mind, emphasis on stealth, alert will cause overwhelming odds at once (just ideas)


I would really like to hear any feed-back, I'm still new to Nexus but I'm a great story writer and would happily provide sketches of my ideas, though I'm not an amazing artist.

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