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Game crashes for apparently no reason


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I've downloaded the patch, updated my video card drivers, played the game without mods on a clean install, and played in windowed mode, but no matter what, I always get a crash that brings me to the desktop in less than two hours of gameplay.


I know it's not some file missing or problem due to a mod, because I've reinstalled the game clean, and tried to play without mods before it crashed like an hour later.


The only times I've noticed it crashes is when I blow something up, such as a car or a person going "chunky" from the Bloody Mess perk, but when I start up the game and blow that same car or person up in the same manner too, the game resumes like it normally would.


And I don't have autosave enabled, so I don't think it can be a corrupt save, unless Quick-saving can corrupt a game. Should I start a new game where I don't quicksave at all (and instead, just go through the menu to save)? The first time i played the game, I almost only used menu saves and didn't have any problems for a long time.

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