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Upgrade causing MOD loss?!?


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Hi all,


I'm just wondering if anyone has had this issue before:


I had an old system that couldn't run any of the high-end texture upgrades, etc. So I was eventually able to change over to better equipment (3Dmark06 rates my system at over 27,000, so it's pretty good now). I reloaded Skyrim (complete uninstall, delete all info from the DATA directory, saves, skyrim.ini, etc. cleaned out any registry files I could find, removed utility programs, everything. Then reinstalled everything. Only now, old mods that I used to have working will not now. All seem to be NPC improvement mods - make NPC x look better, etc. I turn those on and it crashes to desktop. Is this a problem somehow with old improvement mods not being able to work with HD textures on characters, etc.??? Any thoughts?

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