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Cell "Music Type" Issue


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To correct my title - ambient music doesn't play on new or duplicated interior cells.


Whenever I create or duplicate an existing cell in the New Vegas Geck, regardless of my choice for Music Type, no music plays. The "Default Acoustic" works fine. I have troubleshot this with multiple acoustic choices, but no ambient music will play at all when I am in game. How can I fix this?

Edited by Josrence44
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Perhaps this mod will make you have a more understand of how it works or use the comment saction of it to speak with ppl that work with music mods


dont know if there are any signifigant diffrances with Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim so sorry for that if there are :biggrin:




Sorry for no better answer :sweat:

Edited by Shadiva
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I'm not familiar with setting up music, but maybe this link will help:


Fallout New Vegas Music



Excellent. Thank you very much. I found what I was looking for near the bottom of the page. I really appreciate this, I couldn't figure it out for the life of me, haha. I've given you my kudos. :)

Edited by Josrence44
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