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List of moddable files


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There's not a whole lot of files in XCOM 2012 installs. Some it makes sense to mod, others are purely technical, and others still are binary, like UPKs, requiring special tools.


I'm interested in the first category.

So far I know of:





Maybe other ints - Subtitles.int, XComUIShell.int





Any others? I'm sure this isn't everything. Please mention any other text format files that are ever worth making mod changes to. As long as it's not binary and actually applies to the game.


This isn't an idle question, I'll add the ability to patch these files to Builder mods, but I need to know which ones. These files require different handling, so a blanket search for any specified name won't do.

As to why patch rather than just replace, it's that a file replacement mod will screw up game updates, be incompatible with any mods that touch the same file, in extreme cases will be specific to one particular version.

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