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Mod Preview- Better Snowfall


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Posting a preview of my mod for helpful feedback from you awesome modders out there.


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I dislike the vanilla snow storms. The snowfall is too windy/gusty for my tastes. I wanted snowfall that was thick flakes and fell slow and straight, much like you would get in a thick snowfall in a forest. So I am attempting this mod. It is my first mod, so be gentle with me. I welcome any helpful suggestions. The gusty weather type needs work, but that weather type is proving to be difficult. Once that is finished, I will be integrating this in with Project Reality Climates of Tamriel for those who have that. Thanks to Mannygt for letting me use his custom snowparticle texture, and AcidZebra for getting me off on the right track. Please leave feedback for me. Also, I apologize for the bad video quality. Apparently there is a disconnect from my fraps footage and the video editing software I have. Nonetheless, it still gets the idea across.

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I dislike "better" in the titles of mods, but this looks really nice! Blurry snowflakes are a plus, maybe too big?

I'd miss the gusty snow though


Yeah I agree. i shouldn't assume it's "better", just different style. I thought that when I was making the banner, but I just went with it anyways. Good thing it's easy to change.


And I'll keep some gusty snow fall. Just my gusty storms will only happen when appropriate instead of all the time like vanilla is. Thanks for reply, and I'm open to name ideas :D

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  • 2 months later...

Is there a DL link for this? This is exacly what im looking for. 99.9% of the time i've seen snow fall in my life its been pretty much straight vertical and i think this will be much more pleasing because of that and easier to connect with my pleasant memories of snow i've had.

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