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Hi, I want to know if an elemental fists mod can be created and shared like in this video because I can't find it and i would love it.

I mean not the mutations mod but the powerful and elemental fists damage I want this mod pls. Thanks for reading my message.

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I had responded to the private message form of this request, but I will post it here as well for others who might come across the same video and be unaware of where they are from.


Thank for asking about those mods. Both of those are my mods that already exist on Nexus, as you've already found Mutations and called it by its actual name and not "Jedi Powers" as the video poster did.

The Elemental Fists shown in that video are available in my "Created Loot Mod with Scavenger Hunts" mod, as well as in my "CLM Weapon Pack mod. Both of these mods also include my Mutations mod as secondary weapons you can use with a total of 161 current weapons able to be created.

There are two versions of the Elemental Fists available in both of these mods:
Weapon #18 - (Fists) Elemental-Infused Fists (uses standard fist fighting animations)
Weapon #48 - (Fists) Augmented Elemental-Infused Fists (uses the augmented 'swipe' fighting animations)

The Mutations are:
Weapon #25 - (Custom Weapon) Stasis Mutation
Weapon #26 - (Custom Weapon) Lightning Mutation
Weapon #27 - (Custom Weapon) Inferno Mutation
Weapon #28 - (Custom Weapon) Arctic Mutation
Weapon #29 - (Custom Weapon) Toxic Mutation
Weapon #30 - (Custom Weapon) Forcewave Mutation
Weapon #31 - (Custom Weapon) Vampiric Mutation

You can just install whichever of those mods you would like and then craft those weapons from your blueprints tab in-game.

I hope you enjoy my creations and that they add to your enjoyment of the game!

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