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You were a once a commander in the Enclave however you failed to see eye to eye with your superior officers. You have better plans on how to reshape the old world for better or for worse.




For Better


You realized that the old methods of doing things will never work which is why the bombs fell. Only a few managed to benefit from the old ideologies of the ancient world while the masses suffered. You wish to take the opportunity and rebuild the formal world to a state far greater than it was before the bombs fell.



For Worse.


Things were perfect just the way they were. But he masses were to weak to cope with the reality of the situation. They needed to be purged from the annals of the world, and never mentioned again.



Either way


You left the enclave just in time. Basses to the East and to the West have been destroyed. And you’re lucky enough to have most of the assets available to you for which to start a mighty army. Jut one problem … many people know all about the Enclave although some think the organization is dead others will love nothing more than to put a bullet in your head. You need to find a place to set up forward operations base. A place where people would never expect you to be. A place where people wouldn’t even notice a small force moving into the area. A place practically in the middle of nowhere



The Mojave.


And luck would have there are three factions at war and neither of them are paying the slightest attention to you. However you need to get a feel for the area to some old fashioned recon blend in with the area. Find a low key job that shouldn’t draw too much attention … maybe being a courier would do the tick. That job will allow you to travel the waste, get a feel for the lay of land without drawing too much attention. What could go wrong with that?




Where the player enters.


What could go wrong? Getting in the shot in the head and getting patched up by some shade tree doctor that’s what. Yeah you remember the basic skills but being the commander of advanced force must’ve been ripped out of your mind when a bullet went through it or some old doctor pulled out that bit of information.


As the player continues with the story they get a strange feeling that there is more to their life than being some courier for the Mojave Express. They can’t quite put their finger on the situation until their second in command approaches them after they exit the Lucky 38.


From there the objectives are simple.



- A Forward Operations Base (FOB) must be set up in the Mojave Desert.

The FOB will placed in a pre designated area. It could also have some defenses set up.


The FOB will be the player’s primary point of interaction with the rest of their command. The main base can be in an off world area. (There is mod where someone made a base camp but left free for use) Meaning Vertibird Transportation to and from there will be required.




- Recruits will be needed.

-Or the cloning facility can be captured.


-Any threats to your new order must be eradicated.

Destroy the NCR, Legion, or House presence in the Mojave


Forge Alliances with the NCR, Legion, or House


-Convince the masses that your new order is here to help them.


-Destroy the weak little fledglings and move onto bigger and better things.


-Rebuild the economy

-Bottle Caps will be worthless.


-Slowly but surely. Revive the wasteland and build a glorious society that will stand the test of time.


Be warned there may still be some splinter cells from the Enclave that have survived and know what you and your band of defectors are up too. They will do everything they can to stop you. So taking the fight to them ever once in a while may keep them off your back. Ignoring them will be disastrous.


In the end for better or worse. The new world will be whatever you shaped it to be. All will know the meaning of peace and prosperity or only the weak will suffer and die off as the strong carry on.


And that’s my idea for Defector hope your enjoyed reading it.


Any thoughts about it?


I do have a plan for implementing; however I don't know how to script ... yet. Other than that it shouldn't be as hard as one might think

Edited by Skyviper086
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