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Build-a-town Mod


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Hey guys, I'm new to the forum, but I'd love to see this pretty ambitious mod added if anyone has the know how. Basically, I'm a fan of the speech/puzzles/exploring aspect of these games more than I am an action fan. I'd love to have a quest where you could found a town in the Wasteland. You would start by recruiting people of whatever type. They would congregate at a predetermined location. Then everyone would be set to work building the town. Obviously, you would be required to search for the necessary parts to progress the town forward, but it would be a blast.


It could be carried out in this order:


1.) Gather willing townspeople to the location.

2.) Travel with new townspeople to gather supplies to build buildings. At this point you would have a functioning (but unprotected) town that has a diner, shop, inn, and a house.

3.) Gather materials to build fortifications. Whether they be walls, or defenders, or whatever.

4.) Fend off attacks on the town.

5.) Continue to expand town however the creator sees fit.


To be perfectly honest, I imagine that this is an extreme undertaking for a modder, and would be more suited for a company like Bethesda to tackle. However, I think this quest would be a blast. It really would be similar to the Morrowind expansion.


In fact, I just wish Bethesda would create a game with this premise. I realize the game Hinterland is similar to this, but as I like the way that Bethesda sets up their games, I'd rather see this done through the construction tools. If anyone is up for the task, I'd be willing to lend my support however possible. I can't handle the technical end, but I could draft a story and some dialogue if anyone wants to give it a go.

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