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Dragons rarer and stronger after alduin falls


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I do NOT want them to stop altogether after alduin dies, just get rarer and stronger with each dragon you kill. Maybe have a counter, for example, after you kill alduin the game decides there are 50 dragons left (just an example) the game uses this number to decided the percentage chance of encountering a dragon. That way, when there are 50 dragons left, you have a 50% chance of encountering a dragon, but if you kill ten of them, there will be a 40% chance of encountering dragons, if you kill 45 of them, there will be a 5% chance of encounter dragons, if you kill all 50 of them, there will be 0% chance of encountering dragons, essentially, you have wiped out the dragon menace from skyrim! I also think it would make since for the game to decided the strength of the dragon being spawned based on how low the number is, it would make since that the last 5-10 dragons in skyrim would be extremely powerful.


I would like for this to be compatible with Mighty Dragons, Deadly Dragons and Dragons Diverseafied as well.

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