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REQ- NEW radio station


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We've already seen a few music replacers for GNR, but I like GNR. Why monkey around with it?

It should be simple enough to build an old AUX DJ shack at the base of some old radio tower in the wasteland, right? Then we could have a little quest to get it running again, maybe involving flamer fuel, a terminal hack, a few fission batteries, whatever. After that, we'd have a new signal on the air, playing new tunes, preferably of a similar style to what GNR plays.

Actually, it would be really great if we could somehow load a string of our own mp3's into it, but I'd be utterly happy with the mod coming with it's own tunes appropriate to the style of what we already have.

I can provide a good list of most excellent songs for this if needed.

Anyway, the big advantage to this would be that GNR & all the other stations still work like they are supposed to work.

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I agree with your idea that adding new stations is better , thats not to discredit any work that has been done replacing GNR.


i would love to see the list of music that you would like to have added, it is probably possible to achive what your asking already without the G.E.C.K.


music is fallout is quite a tricky thing and i think the developers got it right by having old american pop music and a very lovely atmospheric sound track with strings. i heard the developers say that "the real musical star of fallout3 are the old tunes" .


dont you think that they would have put in more/differnt/better tunes in if they did not have all the ubsurd musical copyright laws to deal with ? (i dont particularly dislike any of the tunes)


the origianl sound track is quite amazing i think , i hoped for a dark synthesizer texture and was quite surprised when i heard what they had done . at times it almost reminds me of the music in bladerunner, but in the falloutworld. only problem is it could have been longer !


having only played a short part of fallout but for a great deal of time , it seams that GNR puts out a small number of tunes and then adds more as your quest develops.so whenever i listen to the radio its only a very small number of tunes and it gets boring , not to mention freedogs "hip" rantings.


i will be starting my own investigation of how to get GNR playing more music quite soon , and there are parts of freedogs dialogue i would like to remove beacuse he dose my head in.


anyone notice that when your talking to freedog you can still hear him talking on the radio ? , guess it could be a recording.

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Got to say that once I get my lazy posterior around to it I do intend to create a BBC World Service radio channel, with the whole sort of Pathe News fell to its broadcast and a mix of 40's and 50's British music, maby even a bit of George Formby :biggrin:
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