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Cant adopt child!


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Hello All,


Is there a spell that works on ALL homes like the Japan lodge where I can adopt kids.. The Bless this house doesnt work on ordinary homes where you dont actually purchase it.. I have the Japan lodge and i would have to take it into the Ck change the front door.. change or copy the interior cells and paste on top of them a new set which is totally gonnna fugg everything up.. and do some kind of scripting to make it kid friendly.. I dont want to have to re download the mod.. Is there a patch for multiple adoptions like in the Asuras Dawn mansion that we can get for ANy house?

I worked super hard getting special hello kitty beds from the Akavari house to put into my Japan lodge and now I cant take the kids there.. Im pissed!


There is a patch for Asuras dawn..


Maybe someone can do a work ar ound and make it so that it can be used for the Japan lodge or Any house?

You would be my hero

Edited by Sallyo
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