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What kind of Chinese Dragon are you?


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WOOD DRAGON: The Wood Dragon is creative, imaginative, and inquisitive. He is both a thinker and a doer and is capable of brilliant new concepts. His every move is guided by sound logic. His drive and ambition allow him to put many of his ideas into practice, nevertheless this Dragon is capable of concealing his domination and tries not to offend. He will even compromise if it is advantages. Although not as self-centered as other Dragons, he is still outspoken and fearless when challenged.

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Your Result is: Earth DragonQuiet and reflective,the Earth Dragon is appreciative of other opinions. Reasonable, he doesn't rule as a dictator. Although not given to outbursts of temper, he demands respect. He is diplomatic and cooperative. Although ambitious, his initiatives are less hurried and carefully thought out.http://www.boredquiz.com/uploads/internal/quizzes/what-kind-of-chinese-dragon-are-you/answer-earthdragon.jpg

Take What kind of Chinese Dragon are you?


Hmmm and I thought I was going to be creative....


On another note, skipping those offers was a torturous experience.

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Water dragon

Less selfish and opinionated than the other Dragons, the Water Dragon is more inhibited and less power-hungry. Able to accept defeat without recriminations; he is a good negotiator and knows how to apply pressure. Over-optimistic, he needs to focus on realistic goals.


Hmm... seems about right. "needs to focus on realistic goals" how very true.

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Extroverted and competitive, the Fire Dragon expects too much and pushes everyone. Able to create massive popular support, his insatiable ambition can make him short-tempered and intolerant, although his criticisms are objective. He needs to master his feelings and communicate with people better.


These things creep me out way to much, they are so accurate!

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