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What kind of Chinese Dragon are you?


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Quiet and reflective,the Earth Dragon is appreciative of other opinions. Reasonable, he doesn't rule as a dictator. Although not given to outbursts of temper, he demands respect. He is diplomatic and cooperative. Although ambitious, his initiatives are less hurried and carefully thought out.


pretty accurate my girlfriend Kate says

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Quiet and reflective,the Earth Dragon is appreciative of other opinions. Reasonable, he doesn't rule as a dictator. Although not given to outbursts of temper, he demands respect. He is diplomatic and cooperative. Although ambitious, his initiatives are less hurried and carefully thought out.


pretty accurate my girlfriend Kate says

umm,I'd have to agree...don't get mad at me either! :biggrin:

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Less selfish and opinionated than the other Dragons, the Water Dragon is more inhibited and less power-hungry. Able to accept defeat without recriminations; he is a good negotiator and knows how to apply pressure. Over-optimistic, he needs to focus on realistic goals.


Kinda true in a way



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