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Companions Improved


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Since I believe this forum looks down on bumping old threads, and since I'm asking for more, I've made a new thread.


First, I'll quite the post I'm basically updating and expanding upon.




When first entering Jorrvaskr there is a brawl/training fight between Athis and Njada Stonearm. This matches the lore of the companions and was realy nice made for immersion. If you are progessing in the game the ppl are becoming more passive there and in the end some of them are just questgivers/followers, staying or sitting around in Jorrvaskr.


I thought it would be nice if from time to time some of the members are still brawling/train with each other again. This could keep Jorrvaskr and the group more alive and again i believe its a big plus for immersion. I mean "The Companions are a collective group of mercenaries, soldiers and fighters..." and they should/could/must train a bit from time to time and thats better than just sitting and standing around in their meadhall.


So when the CK is out maybe some modders think about that and could realize that? That would be awesome. ;)


This request is for Jorrvaskr because i havent played the thiefes guild, db or mages guild yet. But maybe the same point counts for those guilds too. So the point is: Keep the guilds more alive with guild related activities.





I would like to see a mod that adds radiant Companions, NPCs simply labeled as Companion, following their rank within the companions based on the NPC's level which is static, but there are more ranks within the companions with this mod.

These NPCs are random, they will be constantly exploring. I imagine about six groups of four companions. There will always be at least one group of "Companions" at Jorrvaskr, which will be brawling, training, or resting in the quarters. You could run into Companion groups randomly throughout skyrim doing various things, including exploring inside ruins. if Companions die, they will respawn later.


The existing companions will randomly venture out as well, instead of just remaining at Jorrvaskr like they do after joining. However, you can "leave a note" for them, then the in 6-12 hours they will be back and stay back until after you talk to them, unless you recruit them as a follower of course.



Similar things could be done for the other guilds as well. Though naturally mages would only be in groups of two or three, while Thieves in one or two, then Assassins going solo.

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