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Safely Changing Race - The Oblivion Way


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Before I start, two things to know. I'm posting from the results of my testing and my testing alone. I've never seen any information about doing this in this manner anywhere before.


Okay, so, as I'm sure most of you know, using the command showracemenu in game resets your character almost entirely. But lets say you're halfway through the game, and just installed a race mod. You don't want to reset your character, and you don't want to start a new game, but you still want to use the new race.

Well, you could do it in Oblivion, right? You changed the race, opened the console, and then opened the menu, and wa-la, there was the option to save! Simply save and load, and there you have it, your modified character with all your stats. However, this doesn't work in Fallout, because when you open the menu, the save option doesn't show back up. Well, here's how to do it by overwriting your autosave.


  2. First of all, open the console with the ~ key and type 'showracemenu', minus the quotes. When you close the console, the menu from the beginning of the game will appear.
  3. Navigate this menu and setup your character as you like. When you get to the hair menu, DO NOT CLICK DONE. I can't stress that enough. Edit the hair, but leave that DONE button alone.
  4. With the menu still open, open the console again and type 'save autosave'. The game only saves to specifically-named saves, so if you want to make a normal save, you're outta luck.
  5. Open the pause menu and load the autosave. There you have it, new race and appearance with all your XP stats and perks.


Strong back is a strange perk. Removing it and adding it back like normal perks won't fix it, usually. It does sometimes, but I haven't been able to predict when it will and when it won't. For a sure-fire way to get the 50lbs back, open the console and type 'player.ModAV carryweight 50'.


There you have it, it should work just fine. As far as I've been able to tell so far, everything is perfectly normal, other than Strong Back of course.

Edited by SkyNinja1
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