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(NSFW) Piercings/Kink for UNP/UNPB


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There's a few pretty awesome piercing/kinky mods out there, but they all seem to be for vanilla/CBBE3/CHSBHC body. The only one for UNP/UNPB (Newmiller's Casual bikini etc) doesn't quite have enough variety in the piercing department for my tastes.


I think a few of the aforementioned mods have been made open by their creators (SED7 Accessoire by Shazhar, for example); would someone be willing to step up and make a conversion? Or maybe a totally new one!


Also some more tattoos would be cool (back, stomach, arm, breast, thigh, etc). Mostly, I'm thinking back to Oblivion, and the wonderful selections that are available for that game.

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