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Floating Night Windows


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EDIT: FIXED! See post below.


I recently upgraded my rig and stacked Skyrim full of mods. I have virtually the complete STEP mod-list with everything boosted to the max and it's very lovely, however as I was approaching Whiterun, I noticed this:






It seems window night-glow is visible from further away than the terrain and buildings the windows are on. As I approach, terrain draws correctly and subtly, drawing the buildings around the lights (as expected). After not finding this issue anywhere online, I've tried deactivating Climates of Tamriel and the Visible Windows (reduced glow) mods to no avail. I've also attempted ini tweaks:


Increasing uGrids:



Increasing / Decreasing LightLOD (Skyrim.ini):



Increasing / Decreasing LightLOD (SkyrimPrefs.ini):



Fiddling with the [WINDOWLIGHT] option in enbseries.ini:



Nothing seems to get rid of it. Does anyone have any suggestions how to either force the lights to fade at the same distance as the terrain (or closer), or force the terrain to draw even further away (not preferable as it'll affect performance).

Edited by Wther
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Unless there are other parts of the ini files which affect Light LOD other than what I posted above, it doesn't work. I've tried lowering it all to 10(!) and still no luck. I read somewhere that Skyrim uses different commands to control window glow, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.


Edit: After deactivating mods and shuffling load order, I'm none-the-wiser, but I did find this:





It seems it's an issue with the exterior (non city) buildings being drawn oddly rather than just a windows / light issue.


EDIT 2: FIXED! Thanks to the screenshot above, I changed my searching and found that it was actually a relatively common problem. This post in particular helped. It seems that the Quality World Map mod was the cause, as I chose the 'Classic Map' option. Deactivated then reactivated with the High-Res map instead and the buildings render perfectly at long distances.

Edited by Wther
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