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Help need with Character setup.


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I'm having a hard time to figure out how to make two handed weapons as valid weapon of choice. But lets start with the background of my problem:


I'm playing Dark Elf Vampire (DG) with Better Vampires installed, I dont use Vampire Lord form...ever. In fact I'm at lvl 17 but I havent used any talent points...or perks...yet.

My goal is to keep my Vampire as "normal" as possible, not making game too easy. So basicly I'm Vampire just for the story and rp element. Ofc I use some Vampire talents that I can use in normal

form but to be honest not much at all. Two handed weapon for a weak looking girl brings nicely Vampiric aspect to game.


Setup I would like to have on my character:

Light Armor

Two Handed Sword



No followers

Assassin kind of character but no dagger build, More like Dark Brotherhood type of assassins.


Quite much in that order allso, I do use a lot of magic atm when I need to heal myself trough Vampiric Drain and that is kinda bad for combat...takes bit fun out of it.

Why stealth? I personally seem it more reasonable to sneak into caves than walk in Hammer held high... I usually sneak, try to take one enemy down with surprise element and then start fighting with 2 handed.

Why light armor? I do love the looks of most light armors and it somehow fits for the character. In fact I use Frostworn armor for the looks. http://wdw.kuvat.fi/kuvat/S%C3%A4l%C3%A4t/ScreenShot5.jpg


But the real issue is that I have no idea how to make my two handed viable. I was thinking of DUEL mod but it would need heavy armor if I want to go head to head combat.

So my question is: What is the bast way to make Two Handed weapons viable and good choice? Would love to be apple to use spells with it too (Vampiric drain is must)


+ Im all open for nice armor mod succestions for character.

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