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[WIP] Windfall


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I know despite the fact that we have been working on this since before the games release, not many people heard of us or know what the mod is about.


You can check out our web site here: Windfall Web Site We have been quiet about the mod and especially the story lines until the release is ready, which should be in the coming weeks. We are finishing up the final details now, and hope to have a Beta out in days. Whether that beta is public or private will depend on how much we can done in the next few days and how close we feel the mod is to release. Public has the advantage of more people getting involved. Private allows for more controlled testing. I hope to be doing one or the other at some point next week.

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Hi all,


I will be posting complete details about the Beta as well as where to get the files once everything is ready and packaged. That will be on Monday or Tuesday.


We are going to go with a Private Beta Test for a couple of reasons. The dialog is still being proofed and there are a couple of meshes still being worked on. But everything else is done and tested internally. We want to proceed with the Beta while the proofing is being done. It is simply a time issue. There is over 300 pages of dialog, 65 pages of Journal entries, and over 80 books to go through. That will take time, but with everything else done, we'd like to start the testing.


If you are interested in testing this, despite the grammar and spelling errors, just keep an eye on the forums. Ideally, I'll need at least four people to test the mod properly, but more will be better.



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