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Problem editing PADashDials01.nif


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I'm trying to make a 21:9 version of the Power armor hud. So I'm editing the PADashDials01.nif mesh. I cut it up and moved the health all the way to the left and the AP all the way to the right and keep the compass in the middle.


Problem is the dials. In the 3D model they are not positioned where they go.There all piled up in the middle of the model.

So I guessed the offsets for them are in the nif file.


In the nif the dials are at there original locations.


Now I go to move them, I find the dial for health HPNeedle_root. I edit the Translation info to match the new models position and it looks good in nifskope.


Now I go in game and the dial is still at it's original position.


What gives the dials there offset if its not the Translation setting in the nif? Are there other files that can effect the position of parts of a model in a nif.


Should I be looking at PowerArmorHUDMenu.swf to see if the dials have some settings in there for there offset.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I know nothing about Power Armor, but one way of placing stuff on a NIF is attach nodes.


These are essentially NiNodes with a name. There MUST be a NiNode called REF_ATTACH_NODE for it to work.

Check the original NIF in nifskope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a workaround by renaming the nodes. Whatever files is moving the dials can no longer make it's changes. There does not seem to be any negative side effects. Everything is working fine so far, so I'm happy with it.

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