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Stardew Valley

Mod request: Buy in bulk quantities at stores


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There's one little in game thing that's been bothering me lately, and I was hoping one of the talented modders here could help me out. If it already exists let me know, but I didn't see anything like it when I searched.


When shopping for things like fodder and seeds, I find it really annoying that I have to click to buy just 1 item at a time. For example, if I want to get 100 fodders, I have to click on fodder 100 times. That gets really tedious really fast and if I'm buying large quantities of seeds at the beginning of the seasons, it actually starts getting my fingers sore.


Would it be feasible to make a mod that would give you an option to buy multiple items at once? Some kind of simple window that asks "how many?" and you can type in the number of items you want to buy. I would't think that would be a difficult thing to make but since I'm not a modder I don't really know.


Would anyone here be interested in making a mod like that?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't actually played in a while but I'm pretty sure you can hold down one of the mouse buttons and it'll buy/craft multiple. Either that, or I had a mod that allowed that. If I'm ever able to figure out what mods I used to have, I'll let you know in the event that it's not just a base-game feature.

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