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Remotely Detonatable/Timed Explosives (C-4/Dynamite)


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I would really like to see explosives that can be detonated remotely or via a timer. In the case of remote detonation, it would be preferable if you could set the explosive to respond to a frequency. When you set a detonator to that frequency, and use it, it'll trigger the corresponding explosive.
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This mod is a absolute must! The variable frequency thing might be very difficult. Remote mines should be possible with scripting, a script that when you fire using the detonator it sets off all the mines you have placed (this would likely only work in your current cell/worldspace. People would have no end of fun rigging Megaton then setting off the mines!
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i think it would be cool with some kind of primary explosive like a small diretional blasting cap type of thing, wich is detonated with remote, timer, trip wire or proximity.. or maybe one of each :P

and then a secondary explosive like, bags of anfo, c4, a pile of mines, mini nukes and everythin explosive really..

think of all the fun traps u can set with that :P like a bahemoth trap. 5 bags anfo or c4, 2 mini nukes, sprinkle with mines and grenades, add proxy detonator on top and a remote detonator just in case :D

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