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Npc teleport you


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Hai, i wonder if its possible to make so an npc can teleport you simply by talking to him. I've made a quest about a big battle and you are going to talk to an npc and he wil ask if you are prepared and if you answer yes you will be teleported alongside with him to a custom destination and then back after the battle. I dident find any guides or tutorials about this, would be most please if somone could link some or help me out! Thx
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In a script you can use game.getplayer().moveto(SOMEXMARKERYOU'VEPLACED) or Game.FastTravel(THATSAMEXMARKER) if you've (a) placed and xmarker and (b) for the second option enabled fast travel.


You don't need to move the NPC, you can just spawn a new ref of that NPC at the battle location and disable it when the player leaves the area. (or you can NPCREFNAME.moveto() if you want)


Advance the quest stage after the player says yes, and have the next (hidden non-log entry) stage include a script snippet which does the moveto/fasttravel bit.

Edited by acidzebra
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Thx! btw do you might have an idea how to change the weather, like snow in the mountains and fog at the shore etc.. i know how to get clouds, also in world space you can set the climate but that make its snow everywhere you go. i tried to edit a cell and change the imagespace to sovengarde fog but that dident work :P Edited by danyyy
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Aye, weather in skyrim is controlled by the regions - go into menu world > regions and look at the entries in the list starting with weather under Tamriel (in the dropdown box top left) then after selecting a region look at the weather tab. Edited by acidzebra
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