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Dynamic Persona


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Not as we're accustomed to with Skyrim as I'm certain you've fathomed having read the title. The game recognizes when you improve your character, what you're wearing, what you haven't done yet, and so on. What the game doesn't do is present ways that your character's persona is defined; you could perform actions that would get generic likes and dislikes out of characters, but what if you could scale the personality of your character that could add new dialogue and conversations, or take them away. That's the general idea.


In more detail, let's say you enjoy killing people and for sake of argument, you've killed a LOT of people. It's not about the slap on the wrist anymore, none of this few times in prison and be done with it. Your personality changes to reflect that you're a murderer and within this mod, the game creates a way of portraying blood-lust and desire to kill more. For instance, you walk through Solitude and you see a lonely NPC walking by and the game pings with an option to kill that person, even generates a quest that lasts for a short period of time. You could make it look cool too while it's going on, you could make the character lightly pant while the outer walls of the screen pulse in red.


You get what I mean. More so, you could add new options that have the game ask you questions to define your current personality at the start, and more discussions come up later that can change your views and options in conversations. If you've sounded like a saint, you'd have many positive options; if you've acted like a rear-end wearing a top hat, guess what? You get those kinds of dialogue to choose from. In a way, it's kind of like changing the dialogue tree entirely and could permanently set your character to an absolute "loved by all" character or a "people-hating outsider always on the run" individual.


There are many ways to create a persona that could change how you play and you could generate rewards for whatever personality you portray. None of this, I just choose this option, a pre-written not-so-relevant thing happens and you're done. You have something new to define your character further.


Anyhoo, this request/suggestion may be too big of a job but if it gets gears turning for future mods, then this request has done some good.

Edited by Suinarza
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