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The Family Quick Travel Location


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Would it be possible for someone to make a mod that added a quick travel icon (obviously only once you've found it [unless that's too much work, you can just make it always there if that's as good as it gets]) that teleported you directly to The Family's little subterranean hideout? It find it really laborious and unnecessary to have to go through that whole Meresti Train yard tunnel to get to the family. Thanks :D
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Yeah, it's not too bad, but kind of a waste of time. But if you think about it, they are supposed to be a mysterious, lone group. So they would probably want it to be far away from the entrance. Still annoying though.
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Really...? I don't find it far to go from Meresti Trainyard to the station itself... Maybe I just don't go there as often as you.

My character is a sneaker and so I needed a lot of S.P.E.C.I.A.L points towards Agility, Luck and Perception. I took those out of Strength, meaning I have very little weight to store loot especially when you see how many guns I have on top of the already low base carrying ability. So whenever I have a collection of Blood packs (which is quite often) I have to travel all the way through the tunnels just to speak to Vance about selling my Blood packs to him (for considerably more than merchants buy it for) and out again, so I can fast travel elsewhere (because you can't fast travel while inside the tunnels). It's very annoying to say the least.

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