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portable standing stones?


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l would love a mod that adds a spell or something that lets you switch standing stone powers whenever you want,rather then haveing to fast travel to the stones? l know l could use jaxonz positioner but l want to see if there is a easier option to copying,storing,removeing,and then re-storing standing stones whenever l want a change. and before you ask,l use mods that disable fast travel sometimes,and lt is a pain to have to go all the way to a different stone to change it.


lf possable there should be a limiter on the menu or whatever format this takes to make it so you have to have gone to a stone for it to be avalable to use whenever (also it should be compatible with standing stone power replacer mods,so rather then a spell that simply gives you the base game power,it should somehow act like you clicked on the stone,but,you know,from when/where ever you are) (l am not a mod maker,so l have no idea lf my idea is possable,but if it is,and someone does make it,then please provide a link when its done!)


edit: useing the dwemer storage cube mod and jax positioner,l have been able to sort out the problem,though a mod like the above would still be great.

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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Hey, I liked the idea, so I made the mod. You can find it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33425/ By default, only standing stone abilities that you use after installing the mod are available, but you can enable them all if you wish.

cool thanks! l just saw it on the nexus!

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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