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Help, my house everything disappeared...


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If there on two different saves then the Creation Kit will only save the changes you made and not all of it. For example if you save your layout, and load it up but not as an active file your layout wont be saved on the new file, just the changes you made. If that is the problem just load your layout and set it as the active file, add the furniture. Any changes have to be on the same .esp file as the what your making changes to. That's the only thing I can think of at the moment, I been checking other forums and websites to see if anything helps.
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If there on two different saves then the Creation Kit will only save the changes you made and not all of it. For example if you save your layout, and load it up but not as an active file your layout wont be saved on the new file, just the changes you made. If that is the problem just load your layout and set it as the active file, add the furniture. Any changes have to be on the same .esp file as the what your making changes to. That's the only thing I can think of at the moment, I been checking other forums and websites to see if anything helps.

That sounds like a possibility. Thanks!

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I learned that the hard way when trying to combine .esp files adn make them compatible. I tried to apply one of my mods to a custom race, with my mod as active file, and the race just loaded. I applied my mod to the race, everything looked fine in the Creation Kit. I loaded the game to test it, and my mod created a duplicate race, because the race data wasn't in my mod. Hope that's your problem, I'll check around in the Creation Kit when I load it here shortly and see if I can find something else.
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