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The Order of the Dragon


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You made my day, especially you Herc me dear sweet lil, Fey, and me dearest Maiden Goddess Dezi.. :smile:


Thank the Great Goddess, lets light a fire, talk about our dragons, what they do, story tell a bit, imagination, its all it takes to change this from just clicking to a world of Dragons, filled with stories about them, and their habits and who does or doesn't like who in the brood..This could be more than just a clicking place..That was my dream..For I am a Bard also..


Eh as was my idea when I opened my still empty forum, I was going open it do for others what I love most get them the dragons they want.. to breed Dragons for others me and Dezi..Eh with Azir as our main Mod..and any others interested in commitment..and also a Dragon Role playing place, and off topic of course with no language filters as long as whats said is ne'er against anyone else..


First getting sick was a setback, but then it sits there for as I watched this place empty I thought, why open he doors, to my already sitting there 'Here there Be Dragons' forum, tis allot of work, and no interests it seemed anymore..To talk about and do what i love..to Breed dragons for others..For I have all the Dragons, except Vine Alts, that I can breed..


However, unless I see a real inrestest again, it stays in limbo for now..


EH.. This place can still be fun if we make it so!!!!!


I didn't forget you MoDqUeen, I was speaking to the regulars, who are here daily almost..

I hope your back to stay..


Herc.I was wonderig when you were going to get your pink a companion..there all by herself..


Thats all the Crone Goddess has to say!!!!

All the new ones, and older ones, clicked


Azir I put your eggs in Soti ER!!!!

That was quick went back to check and they all hatched..thats what I am talking about la

Small things bring me great pleasure these days thats a bonus.. :biggrin:

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The Dream Keepers Dream


Like all daughters of the Sidhe, Aeryn tended the Dragons who slipped into the mist when humyns stopped believing in them..Silly humyns, always advancing which was good, but ofttimes throwing out the baby with the old bath water..The old and the new..

Technology and the simple Ancient Truth of the Old Ones, can exist side by side..What the outward eyes sees, is not the only reality that exists, Aeryn deeply sighed..

She kept them company and longed for the day, when they'd walked amoungst humykind again...How wise they were, and how much the world needed their knowledge and wisdom especially now..


One night her prised Silver, Aimed Valerian came to her in a dream, I mean she oft saw them in her Lil sanctuary in her dream-scape,, in the place for them, she has there..or rather the place they are...depends how you look at it..la


She collected small pixelated replicas of them, just as a reminded of these creatures she so loved..

Till one night, candles lit Aeryn fell into a dream sleep, and there they were in glorious Technicolour all of them she had collected, born out of love, into life beyond the mists, they said, what she knew in her heart of souls, for she grew up in this plane, this plane where what you think becomes.

Eh this meeting was different sorta dream..like she was awake yet asleep...

Airmed came up to her and lay her big soft head beside her, Aeryn stroked it with much love..Airmed said rest your head on me child of the Sidhe, I have something important to tell you.for you to share..


All these dragons at her side through the mists watching over her, made her smile, how she wished she could help other see as she did..their reality beyond thought.Modern times, peoples sight grows dim..filled with outward things and running about madly oft with no place to go..sometimes in dizzing circles..when all that matter is all that ever one take with them beyond this life, lay within, their hearts..sadly she shook her head..


Eh her distaction was disturbed by whispers from the more traditional dragons, snickers could be heard, especially when the bloated air bag as they called it flew by..

Yet they smiled at humynkinds creative imagination..

Eh indeed, she had the Sight her Grans said, and always would, these Beings would always be there for her, yet this was a sight to behold..


Dragonkind has decided, we want to gift our young to responsible humyns again, those who will care for us, and not let us die..

We want to give of our many young in pixelated form, yet we shall also send a guardian from this plane, between time, beyond physical sight, to them also..with each one they collect..!!!!


Of course it will be up to the humyns if they ever dare communicate with us again, but still our very presence can make changes in the hearts and souls of all..


It is our gift of love to humynkind Dragon Keeper Aeryn, You Dragon Keeper Aeryn of the Sidhe have our knowledge now pass it on...If Dezi and digs deep enough she will find us there through the mists also..as many here might find if they look deep enough, grow silent enough for a moment in time to hear us..eh perchance to See us beyond their physical eyes..Eh not an easy challenge in todays runabout world..eh la


For now this is all Dragon Keeper Aeryn child o' the Sidhe..

Eh now go begin this journey, make us alive in the eyes of humyns, our reality beyond pixels and dreams.. "Thease are such things as dreams are made on"

All the dragosn smiled..

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Clicked and have got myself another egg!!! can't wait to see what it will be. :biggrin: Sad to see us in this diminished state hope we get more members soon or more come back.
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your right Aeryn my love.we can and will keep this topic alive.I need a new dragon story to be posted in this topic and perhaps little Faerie herculine will add apoem or two all drago stuff...yesssssss



Clicking and jotting down notes, ideas for a Draconian poem or tale...

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****Well I started with a story, did anyone see it!!!If so, might take another look, changed the story a wee bit, edited, and stopped censoring myself, about what others might think, and let it flow this time, I mean really let it flow..also made it easier to read larger,so give it another read, Please I think you might like the changes its the real me..my world..I share with you.. :thanks:

Edited by Aeryn333
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