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The Order of the Dragon


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noellll, Noellll, I clicked all the dragons and eggs as well.Herc.I'm on my over to give you a scented bubble bath,a full body massage and some special flu remedy that I have, all cause I love you. :biggrin:


Of course that all sounds absolutely divine... :biggrin:

I know it does,your special and I treat you so! :biggrin:


sounds fun lol i could go for a bubble bath n massage im sick too *cough cough*

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noellll, Noellll, I clicked all the dragons and eggs as well.Herc.I'm on my over to give you a scented bubble bath,a full body massage and some special flu remedy that I have, all cause I love you. :biggrin:

*Cough*Cough* I'm ill too...

All clicked.

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Pwned, you may want to accept aid, your eggs are below two days and I think you've made a mistake with your BBCode, since one can't be clicked.

All clicked. I put Aeryn's hatchling in the ER.

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noellll, Noellll, I clicked all the dragons and eggs as well.Herc.I'm on my over to give you a scented bubble bath,a full body massage and some special flu remedy that I have, all cause I love you. :biggrin:

*Cough*Cough* I'm ill too...

All clicked.

wow an epidemic,need a bigger tub and more bubble bath!!


click aeryn's eggs!


Go raibh maith agat (thanks very much) Dezi me sweet, my charge bred me a winter Solstice 2009 egg from my seasonal eggs, I want one for each year..Tis eh like for many of us our holiday here.., an my Yule buck, so I got one of each she's sweet wee one...aye she is la .Eh like I gave her a wee icicle babae for it..


Listen Dezi me luv, could you warm that bath for me also, and send good vibes..an maybe, Please Dezi, put a new link to this page ,so they can go backand click me babaes so this time they don't die.. and mates, please take good care of these for me...Ok luv...


I am holding off, the surgery till after the first of the year bloody'ell am I going in during holidays , they're depressing enough for me...may need to get another cortisone shot though, for that compressed nerve, is being a real bloody b_u_g_g_er aye it is..., its gotta be fixed, so I don't know how often I will be here..we'll see..!!


Eh yous all please have a Blessed Yule..For many of us more connected to th Old ways..twas on the 21rst here Winter Solstice....Eh like .I don't do Christmas..Christamas Day though my charge is going to come over and try to catch me a Yule dragon born on that day though, she's such a wee darling that one..



Eh as fro all you faking sick blokes.. get your minds outtta the gutter,... ;) Herc is really sick, the flue no fun, eh and I am in off the scale pain.. womyn are just naturally nurturing and sensually healing, of one another, if one is open to it, so raise your brain levels higher OK.. ;)


BTW, ta Azur, for my hatchling, and you got another curled Alt, bloody awesome!!!!!!! Congrats..


@ I also put someones eggs in ER forgot who...not his..

So eh Azir I say let the spirit of the season Yule rule this time....EH like feck the bleedin' rules don't let the wee ones die laddie......this is Yuke no dead dragons...save 'em..


.I am to tired I need to go lay down before I fall o'er here.....I clicked what I could..before I go..I want to wish you all good cheer..la


Eh like in the good ol' Irish way, we are big on holiday blessing here..la Eh like as well as our traditional toasts ..Slàinte Mhath....(good health)!!!!!!

Eh like also..To all who celebrate Yule or Christmas.. Here it is..for yous all....from me heart to yous..a good ol' Irish Blessing of me Grans..


Yule Blessings


To one and all I send to you,

Blessings on this day.

Wishing joy and merriment,

May it always come your way.

As you light the Yule log fire,

And the candles are all a-glow,

Be thankful for what you've reaped this year,

And all you've grown to Know!

As you bid farewell to the Holly King,

Under his blanket of snow,

Open your arms to the Oak Grove Queen,

For the light She will bestow.




An for yous..the traditional lighting of the Yule log!!!

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