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All clicked, I put Aeryn's Nocturne egg in Soti's.



Ta ytsejam91 for that..!!!!


all clickethed...dear ones.. :biggrin:


Edit!!! Some wonderful womon at the Vampire Gifting Centre on the DC forums just gifted me a vamp egg I am sooooo stoked..la Clickethed all again for good measure.. don't forget click me vamp... :thanks:


I just may become a biter and gift others, I so enjoy giving..

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Thanks ytsejam.

OK! To business!

NAME: Jack?

AGE: 19

BIRTH: June-5-1990


REASON FOR JOINING THE ORDER: I like Dragons *Insert Smug Face*

TITLE: Slasher.


Crone Goddess Aeryn here, Without the smug face, lets try a more appropriate name, for here..and I be happy to welcome you..la

Why I say that, we are a family here, The Dragon Order, is not just to bring your Dragons, nor muck about..tis to come bring your wee ones, and also click others..la

Need ideas for appropiate title for here.., click on my name link in my Sig, scroll down to the list..


Eh then post your title again, after the official welcome..you'll be added to the scroll, and I will officially welcome you, then we'll all start a-clicking..


Eh as I tell all new members ,remember one rule of the Dragon Order be kind to others, respectful..Tis all our responsibilities here, to, as I say clicketh upon others, as you wish to be clicked upon..Ok!!! So Title again please.. :)

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Ok, No smug face.


TITLE: How's about Dragon Breeder?



OK Dragon Breeder, I officially welcome you into the Dragon Order, n ow remember to click on others wee ones.. Eh like basically tis the page views each time you click and others click on yours that helps them along its like feeding them if you will..Now start clicking on hatchies and eggs, each time you return here,as we will you..OK...

Eh so... Crone Goddess Aeryn glady welcomes you into the Order.... Dragon Breeder.. your name has been affixed to our scroll..may you have many wee ones and may they be healthy and prosper.. :smile:

PS Eh don't know how new to this you are, eh like if you have any Questions that the first page cannot answer about sick eggs, ER..etc etc.. about your wee ones..Just ask myself or Azir Ok...


PSS..One more thing that many new members do not know, click on your own wee ones once also, it counts as one click....Tis good to keep clicking on your own when you come here..just to make sure they are OK..la

3 days or under are in danger of dying..An need to go into ER..

Both I an Azir have Soti's ER link in our Sigs..if we see it. before you do, though we will put them in ER for you..as will others.. we have a good group here, that watches each other backs..


Eh as long as on your scroll you have checked in your settings accepting help, I noticed you do not have it checked on your scroll.. thats important, if you want us to save your wee ones if your not here..!!!!


all clicked incl yours... :biggrin:


@Azir me Friend and right hand..My offer....remind me of itwould you.???..Eh like in return you name it if I can I'll breed it ,or emmmm bite it for you when my Vamp grows up, if you'd like, whatever let me know..la

There is no telling it will be an Vine alt I do believe till the 3rd stage and the orange appears on the hatchling instead of the yellow...So aye!!!!!! IF I am not scroll locked.. by then AYE AYE AYE!!!!!!


Edit: @ yeysejam91...Eh your wee vamp got wings and its a boy..Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!

I influneced mine with a new pink to be a femyle Vamp.. :biggrin:

Edited by Aeryn333
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There is no telling it will be an Vine alt I do believe till the 3rd stage and the orange appears on the hatchling instead of the yellow

I have a good feeling about both of these. One was bred from two alts, and one from an alt and a gold... We shall see...

All clicked.

P.S. Welcome Dragon Breeder.

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