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No probs Aeryn. I ER'd your seasonal.

Welcome LordFrostcraig. Sisters are annoying aren't they?


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Azir, can youchange my title to "The ashbringer"?


(i need to get som new eggs)

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Azir, can youchange my title to "The ashbringer"?


(i need to get som new eggs)



My Grand Knight Azir can't change the first post, since our dear Dezi's gone,is mine now ....Eh like I can though..So get some new eggies.. the Crone Goddess will be happy to Ok la.. Good to see you..http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/thumbsup.gif




@Azir Ta...will get you a black one, two of my black alts always produce an egg, the other two don;t seem to want to breed..So will get you a bitten black..

Thanks for the ER..http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/biggrin.gif


Weird its appearing still over 3 days I see..Have you tried the place in my Sig, it has both an ER and a place to add your Scroll..Dragonnery..Eh like is on the list as a good one at Drag cave... I been using it..gives us all another option, that has both choices..,

All clickethed!!!

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The ER that I use has 3 days 23 hours as the highest. Something about TJ changing the code I think.

Frostcraig, it is possible to trade eggs. It involves one person abandoning and another using the right web address to catch it (eg an egg with the code 1234 would be caught using "http://dragcave.net/get/1234") at the same time as it is abondoned. It is tricky and isn't 100% successful.


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The ER that I use has 3 days 23 hours as the highest. Something about TJ changing the code I think.

Frostcraig, it is possible to trade eggs. It involves one person abandoning and another using the right web address to catch it (eg an egg with the code 1234 would be caught using "http://dragcave.net/get/1234") at the same time as it is abondoned. It is tricky and isn't 100% successful.


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o ok

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The ER that I use has 3 days 23 hours as the highest. Something about TJ changing the code I think.

Frostcraig, it is possible to trade eggs. It involves one person abandoning and another using the right web address to catch it (eg an egg with the code 1234 would be caught using "http://dragcave.net/get/1234") at the same time as it is abondoned. It is tricky and isn't 100% successful.


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All clickethed..http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/smile.gif

There is another way to send someone a hatchie, or egg, thats a wee smaller chance of lost, but you must know and trust the other person..I have done such trades both ways from a few breeders at the Dragon forum, with thus far out of 9 trades only one loss, which was an accident..Works though, many breeders who know each other do it this way..I would only share that with someone I know and am going to trade or gift to..It worked for my first silver and my first CB vamp and electric...and vica versa..like I said it takes knowing and trusting the person though..it does make it allot easier especially dealing with time zones, and coordinating when the other going to be on-line, this way you do not have to.

When I get you your black vamp, from my two black Alts, despite us being in the same time zone..pain has made me have weird hours, when I am up or resting.. it might be the way to get that to you for sure..Azir 'cuz I really want you to have a Vamp from my two black Alts...http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/wink.gif


Also...Do me a favour, if you be so kind..ER my eggs only if they slip under 3 days..Why??.. I gender all me eggs with my army of pinks, to balance my scroll..with those hard to catch newer eggs..sometimes I have to wait, till a pink can inluence again..So at times, I will let eggs go down to 3 days, if I am waiting for a pink to influence it.. but no lower..then ER away..Ok..Thanks mate..http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/thumbsup.gif

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Hi all, remember me? I got eaten by school about two weeks ago :D. I have the last test (oral) on july 2nd and then I'll come back with some eggs, as it appears there are some new ones :D.


@Aeryn: I'm glad you're here again, I hope you're well :D


see ya soon.

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You can have a maximum of four eggs or four hatchlings, or up to 7 if you mix them.

Don't worry ytsejam, college has only just spat me out.

Ok Aeryn, will do. Thanks for keeping trying for a vamp, I will get you that alt vine one day.


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