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The Order of the Dragon


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Usually it takes about 3-4 days. It all depends on how many clicks/views they get, and TJ guards the formula with his life.


EDIT: Just so that you know, in about 2 hours Drag Cave will be down for maintenance. See here.

Edited by AzirAphale001
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ER'd...That means your wee one, was getting close to under 3 days, which is a danger to die time..so we rush it to the ER..methinks quite an American terminology, eh you know Emergency room..mate..eh like for dragons though..

There is one in me Grand Knight Azir 's Sig and another one called Dragonery ER in mine..LordFrostcraig..'K


#####Eh like also mates..LordFrostcraig-your height, and Captainscar, your width ..might want to , eh before a moderator takes notice,to narrow those down in your Sig , eh like it does exceed Nexus dimensions.. of 450 width- 300 height ...one of them, majorly la..http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/wink.gif



@Captainscar:Shur'tugal.....The Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn welcomes you also, mate, to our wee family, your name has been affixed to our official Dragon Order scroll on page one..Eh like as always my words of wisdom to our new members, is responsibility to each other..So.....Clicketh on others wee ones, eggs and hatchies both, as thou wisheth to be clicked upon, each time you come..http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/biggrin.gif


Ta Azir for the Pm..


All clickethed..

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I'll be away camping (read: freezing cold and eaten to death by midges) this weekend. So from tonight through to Sunday night I wont be online. Look after my dragons please.

All clicked.

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I'll be away camping (read: freezing cold and eaten to death by midges) this weekend. So from tonight through to Sunday night I wont be online. Look after my dragons please.

All clicked.



Interesting readin' http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/wink.gif Of course Azir.

Sunday I won't be on either, eh like I'll check em late Sat night though..mate..

All clckethed...

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