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The Order of the Dragon


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Whoa... I've been away for a while. Work's starting to calm down a bit and I'm nearly caught up with college so I should be back more.

Congrats on the alt ytse.

And welcome back Tenaim.

Take your time Aeryn, and get better.

Now to get some more eggs.


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Got two new Halloween eggs, how is beyond me, I just sat clickin' madly on the lagged page, hoping, I got something..at my surprise when I looked hours later ended with two..

I also at midnight EST.. time zone of the Cave..Killed a pink (ne'er again) the message is horrid when you do..just to get a Zombie., on All Hallows Eve, you must kill after midnight and then revive, and after 4 horrible kills, 2 Dragons dodged my knife, they will never trust me again now..lol..

Just to satisfy my curiosity and get a Zombie.. , one is enough!!...Its terrible the description, as you face it with your knife..the pleading eyes of your dragon...I know only pixels still........Crikey!!


Hope everyone is well..fighting off a sinus infection right now, but otherwise not bad today..


How's school and life Azir me mate..?


How you doing ytse..?


Oh ER's Lord Tenaim's red balloon Dragon..

Take care all!!!

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Life's pretty good. I'll be getting an 85 pence pay-rise on Saturday when I turn 18 and me and my girlfriend are getting a Newfoundland/German Shepard cross from her mum who's dog recently had 13(!) puppies.

It does feel good to leave school, doesn't it ytse?

Halloween eggs! Damn, I never thought to check!


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