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The Order of the Dragon


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Name :Duncan "Sheppard" Casey

Age 19

Birth 7/10/89

Gender: Male

Reason: due to my love of dragons hehe

Title: Lt Commander



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  wasder said:
Can I join? Can I be er.. umm... Dragon squire Wasder?

I'm commited to clicking all your eggs+hatchlings.



Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn welcomes you Dragon squire Wasder

Welcone Grand Champion josh900


A big smile, for your love of dragons.. of course you do your Scottish ..However dear Lt Sheppard, now you must show the dragons..Intiation into the Order is pending to the honourable Lt Commander Sheppard, you must have dragons, get thee a dragon egg, tis the main requirement of membership to the Order of the Dragon, an egg must accompany you or the other dragons will be leery of your intent.,... dragons are very skittish of humyns.. :wink:


A warm welcome to Shadow Master Gamerbird..

Here is the place to ask about your eggs now, or even how to get an egg, then you may seek intiation into the order, care and feeding, mating your dragons how to, etc ect..to express your worries, share your births and hatchlings, and of course click on each others eggs, and hatchlings so they grow, write poems about your dragons, tells us about each of your dragons, give us their history, if you want, their story, with you..

your Dragons of course are free to speak if they wish..We realise dragons are shy around humyns, but if a dragon wished to speak, they may if appropriately so..

This is a place to fly free, to dream, to be....So again I say welcome..


Thats what now Grand sire Deus Ultima.. :D


~Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn~


PS Edit ***At the beginning of this thread the Three Grand Dragon Goddesses, Maiden , Mother and Crone, each have the ability to add given guidelines if anything needs adding, a notation like this, will be added to our most recent post, so others can go back and read any additions, so all is always clear,and there will be no confusion as what is what...twill be added by the 3 Goddess, in their three initial posts.. about more info about initiations into the Order..


A PS added in red..means see a note added by one of the 3 Goddesses, in their intial posts.. this one is by Crone Goddess Aeryn in her first guidelines post..

Edited by Aeryn333
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  dezdimona said:


Dragons are revered everywhere.My dad and mom did this ride on my dads Ultra classic about 5 years ago.They still talk about it

318 curves in 11miles


Neat!!!!Of course, many revere them, some cultures, like yours and mine, and Danis beliefs, Maiden Goddess, very much know they still exsist..on the other planes and guide those that wish it so..


So think you likewise Goddess Maiden the addition to the requirements I posted...A dragon egg must accompany one petitioning the Order....to enter where there be Dragons..and debates on existence others can open a new thread that way this one will stay a fun and creative...enviornment..


I went back and clicked on every egg , and hatchling present..la...ahhh the Goddesses responsibilities are ne'er done eh love.... :wink:

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  Aeryn333 said:
  dezdimona said:


Dragons are revered everywhere.My dad and mom did this ride on my dads Ultra classic about 5 years ago.They still talk about it

318 curves in 11miles


Neat!!!!Of course, many revere them, some cultures, like yours and mine, and Danis beliefs, Maiden Goddess, very much know they still exsist..on the other planes and guide those that wish it so..


So think you likewise Goddess Maiden the addition to the requirements I posted...A dragon egg must accompany one petitioning the Order....to enter where there be Dragons..and debates on existence others can open a new thread that way this one will stay a fun and creative...enviornment..


I went back and clicked on every egg , and hatchling present..la...ahhh the Goddesses responsibilities are ne'er done eh love.... :wink:


having an egg,sould be mandatory,and I agree,no debates on their existance.The debate forum will hold that topic,should it come about!


I too am clicking away.

Will be gone for a week starting Sunday.Please watch my eggs for me, oh wise sister

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  dezdimona said:
  Aeryn333 said:
  dezdimona said:


Dragons are revered everywhere.My dad and mom did this ride on my dads Ultra classic about 5 years ago.They still talk about it

318 curves in 11miles


Neat!!!!Of course, many revere them, some cultures, like yours and mine, and Danis beliefs, Maiden Goddess, very much know they still exsist..on the other planes and guide those that wish it so..


So think you likewise Goddess Maiden the addition to the requirements I posted...A dragon egg must accompany one petitioning the Order....to enter where there be Dragons..and debates on existence others can open a new thread that way this one will stay a fun and creative...enviornment..


I went back and clicked on every egg , and hatchling present..la...ahhh the Goddesses responsibilities are ne'er done eh love.... :wink:


having an egg,sould be mandatory,and I agree,no debates on their existance.The debate forum will hold that topic,should it come about!


I too am clicking away.

Will be gone for a week starting Sunday.Please watch my eggs for me, oh wise sister




I am glad we are of one accord..I knew we would be..Consider it done oh wise Sister of mine and enjoy!!!!

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