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The Order of the Dragon


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Could one of the Goddesses, I have no room in my Sig, put the emergency room in their link..ther is two..the hatchery, and the ICU on the same page..






What I see here happening is some people post but do not bother to go back at least 2 pages and read whats been written, by others..

If one had read the in red comments about soft shell and sick dragons in the FAQ, the ICU is mentioned..and link given, if one went to the other scroll on the dragon cave page as mentioned, and read the FAQ there.. if one bothers to go do some of the research on their own..Now we are Goddesses not invincible, we need you also to shoulder your part, not desperately just clicking when someone asks.,but taking the responsibility to look at others eggs, hatchlings..This is more than just a neat thing to do...Its a responsibility also, to your own eggs and hatchlings ans those of the Order!!!!


To see who's in trouble and mention it, way back, one was told they had soft shell by Goddess Dezi then The Goddess Crone, who said get thee into ICU, and that was just passed by..if one was desperate at that moment one reads that the PM should have happened..Not until almost disaster hits..


OK this sounds harsh, its not meant to be, firm perhaps, but with love, but what's the Grand Goddess Crone for ,it seems, but stating the obvious..which does not win me allot of warm fuzzies..


We enjoy taking care, but when I see you boyhos desperately asking for help, and realise how many members we have, and see my precious silver, with like 7 now 9 clicks, I begin to wonder, each ISP address, gives only one click per person, so wheres the other members, we click our fingers off, all of the Goddesses, part of the order is to click also..every single egg and hatchling of every single operson..You don't just join an order, to get taken care of and not do your duties, and by the number of clicks, I see, not everyone listed as a member are doing their dutuies..This is not oh its cute I'll get eggs drop them off, comment here and there click on anyone who asks, thats it..No that's not it!!!!


If they'd be as many clicks on all eggs, at least once, as how many members there are and that's enough to hatch..Then view, repeat clicks, by each of us, thats always here, then help them more..they'd be no emergencies, or they'd be rare..


Now we love you all, wee ones, but start also taken on some of the Order's responsibilities, and start seeking out as Dezi said emergency situation PM one of the Goddesses, one not on holiday..OK!!!!!


So, start also taking some responsibility for yourselves, how you ask

1. Read what the Goddess put in red, its done for a reason, Squire Wasder read obviously good job its now in limit..BTW..... and adjusted his Sig but the other person I mentioned also in that Red message has not so I wonder if people read back at all..Or read the RED warnings...


2.to go back at least 2 pages when posting to see if there is anyone in need..or some important message been posted by a Goddess. Posts happen so fast sometimes a message can be lost...


Did anyone but Dezi read I was gifted a hatchling by a breeder that almost died as an egg, and then gifted it to me when it hatched, but is in delicate condidtion, a light blue skywing hacthling, and needs special attention..and my silver my precuious silver should have as many clicks as there are members!!!!!


I repsond when I am here to all comments on new ones..Is that so hard to return that, so one knows they have been heard!!!!!!


Now I will catch up, when I get back offically. So why am I here, I heard that..well I can't help it if I care, but I am depending on the other Goddesses to read all.. till I offcially come back.. I am dending on the other Goddesses, to check everyone..but a PM would be nice in case one gets by us, it happens.....

I am sorry it took two days to find out, but if I could find that info, why isn't it,you could not..if you were that desperate..why did you not PM one of us..for that info..


I came I did not read back, for am not here offcially...

But,each time I saw an emergecy on the last pages I responded despite the fact..I did clicked whomever was on that last page..That I am not complaining glad to do it.


What I am is the lack of mutual reposnsibilty that should be going on here..


Now do the 3 things above and there hopefully won't be any emergency situations..For the younger people here that are scared than connatctPm one of the Goddesses by PM, for those older I expect more common sense..Then for asking despetraly for someone to clcik when your egg or hatchling is about to die, is making matters worse, then clicks are bad for it,


Then it needs to go to ICU..where avery time you look at the page full of eggs , at the hatchery, or hatchlings,in ICU, its just viewed not clicked and thats what it needs, and those that then put eggs or hatchlings in ICU they ask you also, to do unto others as yiou have them do unto yo.. also go back and just view the page, do not click on the indvidual's there...its only fair..we help out each other thats the name of the game!!!


READ the FAQ in RED..and Read the Goddess messages in red, possibly now orange, and if one moved by to quick read back at least two pages..And take care of each other as WE do you..more than just despearte clicks, check on new memebers any egg or hatching under 3 days is possibly heading for trouble then its time to ask..and act!!! Not at 2 days or 1 day..for they should have been in ICU before that..

Now that everyone will probably be teed off at the Crone, for my strong way of putting all this, but its for your own good, and believe it or not done out of love, not anger, as it may feel it is not at all..its frustration....I don;t like dragons to die.. know I get this way because I DO Care!!!!!!

I don;t want anyone incl myself losing anymore eggs or hatchlings lets promise ourselves we will look out for each other!!! Not just the ones that are always here, All the members..

believe it or not the Grandmother Goddess which Crone means ..loves you..

Red is harsh on the eyes, innit.. how about Goddeseses we make offical notices in say orange ..?????


~Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn!

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The Goddess Crone speaks her mind,as she should.We are an "Order".That means we have rules and that when you join and take a title,you also take responseability to those in the orders eggs and young dragons.I agree with "Goddess Crone", we lost too many and why?. I make frequent trips here and I know that there are others that also spend time,and I know that they carry their share of the responseability.

We are Family,and as such watch out for one another thats the "way" of things.

Sometimes all thats needed is a little extra effort to go back a few pages,I try to back page daily,but still accidents happen.

If someone doesn't frequent this topic often then watch for posts in other topics. And as the wise Goddess Crone said,don't be afraid to PM one of use or another member if you see their eggs in trouble.

We have grown fast,and need watch even more.I point no fingers as our eggs and young are all our responseabilities.


Don't take on more than you can handle,there will always be eggs.Lets keep this fun and enjoy it.We all I think learned a valuable lesson in the past few days...let us not repeat it!

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The Goddess Crone speaks her mind,as she should.We are an "Order".That means we have rules and that when you join and take a title,you also take responseability to those in the orders eggs and young dragons.I agree with "Goddess Crone", we lost too many and why?. I make frequent trips here and I know that there are others that also spend time,and I know that they carry their share of the responseability.

We are Family,and as such watch out for one another thats the "way" of things.

Sometimes all thats needed is a little extra effort to go back a few pages,I try to back page daily,but still accidents happen.

If someone doesn't frequent this topic often then watch for posts in other topics. And as the wise Goddess Crone said,don't be afraid to PM one of use or another member if you see their eggs in trouble.

We have grown fast,and need watch even more.I point no fingers as our eggs and young are all our responseabilities.


Don't take on more than you can handle,there will always be eggs.Lets keep this fun and enjoy it.We all I think learned a valuable lesson in the past few days...let us not repeat it!



Love you!!!!!

The dead egg on my scroll will stay for two weeks, I tried to save an abandoned egg that only had hours left, it died, before I could even get it to ICU..If only that person instead of abandoning the egg had brought it to ICU, it saddened me, I guess thats why the spiel!!! I don't want that happening here..

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