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The Order of the Dragon


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Aeryn my love,you are missed more than you know. You get healthy and then bring your butt back here! :P


Thanks Reaver and Josh..yet I felt when you all let my post go by..unitl I said something..That I was instead of one of the Goddesses here..just not so..since I been away..not of my own choice..


I know you miss me Dezi me love..But I feel that this is your baby now..and the Crone is just an after thought..it seems..unless you motivate others to repond, with your posts..


Where I come from people are like flowers, they need tending, or they whither away.. When I was real active, I did just that..cared for all..I just.. I guess would like to feel, that I am still needed here, other than by Dezi..


How many people have their page number listed while not here, not mine..I see..


I can't rigth now..it causes me allot of pain to type..

So please list my page, if you care as you say you do, for words are just that words..


I have notifications on, I see my page go by and no mention of its number..or a response like how you doing Crone Aeryn..Thats all the Crone Goddess asks is for a wee respect, to the second in charge here, if that's what I still am...


I even gave everyone , incl new members, my love, and congrats, in that post that just was let go by..and clicked all I could also..not a answer till I asked for it..and my dear heart Dezi posted..


We are a family here, and when one is wounded, and out of commission, I feel their page number should be duly noted till they return..as i have seen done for others..Am I not still teh Crone Goddess, it seems fair.. aye??!!!


I do love and miss you all, even the new memebers..I did click all on this page..


Maybe some feel I am just shirking my duries..Let me share..In my recovering I had a terrible fall, fro I was still weak..trying to do stuff alone here, and now on top of it all, have fractures in both my feet in cast boots, and my right shoulder, is messed up, I type with, the trapezium tendons is badly injured..makes typing hard..Sometimes I use my faithful Dragon Naturally speaking programme at times to dictate too, its that bad....just to connect allitle here..


So please show me, you truly want the Crone back..for right now, I feel without Dezi motivating others, it just would not happen..

I am a very open honest kinda gal..so..forgive me..

I hope as I have done for you all in the past..you will take care of my silver, my new stone, and my frist born Magi, and my Alt Vine..for me OK..

I might not be able to post, but I try to click, I have a hand held one, that I can use in my left hand for now..so clicking isn't as hard as typing.. the page I am on when I visit, for I miss you all..

Take care and I hope my open honesty, does not set you aback, I am Irish..and a Sagg..What can I say ist me, and it all said in love..

I really got to go now..


Hopefully Dezi you will notate my page for others so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, and people will know where to go click and view my wee ones..Ta...love you Dez..thanks fro your loyalty, and your caring soul.. :wink:


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alright.i'll warn you right now.i'm not good at stuff like this and i'm about to pass out so this might not seem to be saying what it is i'm meaning to say but i'll try anyways.you were NOT forgotten and you WERE missed.i feel really bad about not seeing your post earlier.but i haven't been feeling too good here lately and my mind has been on other things.so i probably just skipped over it without thinking.and i'm really sorry about that :( .now i'm gonna give you a bit of friendly advice.don't worry about what's going on here.you just need to worry about getting better.alright?so hurry up and get well soon.i'd add more to this but the room is starting to spin and i'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.so i'm going to sleep now.and once again.i'm very sorry about not seeing your post earlier.
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alright.i'll warn you right now.i'm not good at stuff like this and i'm about to pass out so this might not seem to be saying what it is i'm meaning to say but i'll try anyways.



I'm even worse than josh and I can't say emotional stuff like that and I'd lie if I'd say I missed you, but ever since I got here dez "took care" of me and I dind't met you before. I hope to get to know you better when you return.




BTW: my first sezonal hatched.

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Yay, my dragons are hatching^^.

done the clicky


clicked them! :biggrin:



it seems that my yellow dragon is lazy....and it makes me curious.

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Aerynn my precious and dear friend, I've added your name and page here to my siggy,so that all will be reminded no matter which froum I post in. You know you and I share a bond which transcends for than this lifetime. I am saddened by your loss here and also by Dani's. Life is sometimes an uphill climb,but I'll always support and help you.


mabuti pagkakaibigan ay maibigan a flower,there ganda karwahe sa di ang puso at ang intindihin

Good friends are like a flower,Their beauty carries on in the heart and the mind.

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Sorry I haven't been posting here much but some other things have taken my mind away from most things.


I am sorry to hear that you are ill Aerynn but I didn't know till just now.

I hope you get well soon friend.

I am sorry for not noticing earlier.


As for the eggs, I have clicked all, as for Aerynns, your got extra clicks!

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