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The Order of the Dragon


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congrats Josh, very cool a rare black!!!!!! and a valentine!


My sweet love Aeryn, the goddess truely rewards you.so many rares.I'm so very happy for you


Mine was all luck,got home last night after being out for dinner and danceing.went to the cave missed a spotted egg,refreshed,and there was a frill starting to hatch,I clicked it not thinking I'd get it and I did!!! I refreshed the page and a second one appeared and I got that one also.What a great ending to a wonderful evening...well not quite the ending :biggrin:


Aww thanks ,my sweet love Dezi, when I replied to your PM, I could not get onto this site last night,after that, to see you noticed after all, go raibh maith agat,( thank you so much)...your not slipping after all.. :wink:

Glad you had good time.. :whistling:

Tis great about your new lil eggies...


@A Reaver Its OK Reaver, remember what I said, if they go below 3, get them in ER..But I don't even wait till then..I put my Eggs in the nest and hatchings in the Hatchery, when they hit 4 or so..and have never needed the ER..(touch wood)

It also sometimes speeds up those eggs or hatchlings when they decide to drag their feet....No reason to worry, look at all the dragons I have..The DC Fansite gets wiped often so you have to re-add, but they are wonderful for taking care of our wee ones..la :smile:

So is this place, its also a recommended site.I use both...it has a nest, daycare. and ER also..



@Pushkatu, To bloody right, all dragon eggs are important, thats why they all get clicked, cared for as equally as any rare.. :wink:

Congrats on the new ones..

Some of my so called 'commons' are amoungst my favoutites, but to be a breeder you need them all..and that's my goal..

Clicking done, don't forget me babaes..



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NOW i can back up my claim that i made yesterday.got another valentine egg.in the abandoned section.the ENTIRE PAGE was full of them!


also went back and clicked :thumbsup: .



Cool, Josh... :thumbsup:

Also clicked..Josh you need to put your new Frill egg in ICU-ER like now sweetie OK..its in me Sig the link.. if it gets down to 2 days put it there, don't wait till its 1 day, thats playing with fire..

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Hi there^^,


Here I am again^^. Thank you for taking care of my babies. I went back 3 pages(actually 6 pages, I changed the page view option from 10 to 20 posts per page^^) and clicked all Deggs except the fogged ones.


I see that again I missed new Dragon eggs. For Valentines Day? Oh well, couldn't access the internet anyway.

My Geo Egg seems to hatch soon, my 2 frills also are already trying to get out of that shell^^.


Wow, Congratz to Josh and Aeryn for getting those really rare Eggs(the golden dragon is so pretty^^).

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Hi there^^,


Here I am again^^. Thank you for taking care of my babies. I went back 3 pages(actually 6 pages, I changed the page view option from 10 to 20 posts per page^^) and clicked all Deggs except the fogged ones.


I see that again I missed new Dragon eggs. For Valentines Day? Oh well, couldn't access the internet anyway.

My Geo Egg seems to hatch soon, my 2 frills also are already trying to get out of that shell^^.


Wow, Congratz to Josh and Aeryn for getting those really rare Eggs(the golden dragon is so pretty^^).


Welcome back girl..go raibh maith agat(thank you very much)

Beautifil indeed, I want to leave up just awhile longer, he looks so cool!!!To bad it wasn't a she, but its a gold I'll not complain..Josh and i got lucky, his rare curled Black hatchling, and I got that Gold hatchling..Of course we took care of your babaes..

It was crazy, on Valentines day, girl.. TJ only dropped a few eggs at a time, people were abandoning rares, on the AP, right and left, to try to nab one...Josh and I lucked out.. :cool:

People were going all kinds of frenzied spastic, to catch a rare Valentine.. I just waited, till the madness died down, and for all the Yanks to go to sleep..lol...Then asked the Goddess for two female hearts please, and I know they will be.. then I got mine... :wink:

There still dropping some, you can still try..la

Our Geodes have about the same time left, they are being slow pokes I noticed though..

Take care ..sweetie..


@ Reaver and Josh you both have eggs, that need the ICU I hope you get this, and get them in there..ASAP

Edited by Aeryn333
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Ah cute, my Geo hatched^^. I called it Niddhoggh(one h to much, I know... To bad dublicate names aren't allowed).


lol, I almost got a 2 headed dragon... Someone else was faster. I got another Frilled therefor... I'll keep it. You never know, might be that both frilled I already had will be girls^^

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went back a few pages and clicked!


I'd like to remind everyone when you enter this topic to please go back a few pages and check as not everyone is here everyday. It only takes a few minutes of time but means life or death to some eggs.And we all are united in this Order,so please take some time and do whats right!

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