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The Order of the Dragon


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Went back a few pages and clicked all the eggs and hatchlings I could find.


My frill has matured, so I am very pleased.

I have just noticed that I have a HUGE amount of black dragons...


Congrats all on the new dragons and I hope you all had a nice St. Valentines Day.

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clicked :thumbsup:


Edit: Congrats Aeryn! on the matured frill!



TA Reaver, my goodness, I came back to see these grown real Frilly Fills.I must say..they look more like something out of Jurassic Park though..lucky they gendered one of each for me..I have to go take them down..

Congrats to all new eggs, and hatchlings all..

All have been clicked..rounds done..

Don't forget me wee ones TLC clicks..


Oh Dezi thanks for the lil cheerleading section back there for me new silver, eggie..

You'll soon be getting yours,when these last two grow and gender, I feel it... :whistling:

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Went back 3 pages and clicked all eggs and hatchlings^^.



Yeah, I think so, too. That dragon just has to spit and love to eat flubby guys and it's right out from Jurassic Park.


lolololololol ..So true, they were so cute,in that flick.. until they flared up, spit, and as you said ate the flubby greedy bloke..but then again he deserved it...

Congrats on your duels.. :thumbsup:

Clicked again all 3 pages back..per usual..


Gamerbird Aaron your wee black needs the ER..

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Gamerbirds Hatchlings need clicks, otherwise they will die!




I added them to the Emergency site in Aeryns Sig.



Just rememeber, food for thought if someone has not checked they are accepting help, and he hasn't I am not sure what the technicalities of that are....Thats why I only just mentioned it, though I misspelled his name and forgot the gamerbird, before his name Aaron..which I corrected..

Though I just put one of Azirs in, for he is accepting help.


One of my silvers hatched yeah :smile: ..though I had to fog it, they are prone I found the silvers to get sick now and then, 24 hours or less fogged it will be fine.

Clicked all again.

Edited by Aeryn333
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