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The Order of the Dragon


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guess im not invited to this party hehe



you need an egg.that was explained to you by aeryn.No exceptions


<Removed at the request of Aeryn333 and Dezi>


Deus yeah from Sheppard to Garrus Mass Effect


have a good time!



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Why don't you just get an egg?


nah i dont like clicking on things to keep alive i have clicked everyone who has egg at least 3 times



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Your Inner Dragon is the most honorable of all. Golds are the third rarest of all the dragons (after Platinum and Chromatic dragons) and have a station in society that reflects their rarity. You are what one might call a Draconic Knight. Golds live by a strict code of chivalry and commitment. Remember Draco? Yep, Gold Dragon. Your appearance is fearsome and all-mighty but you'd never stoop so low as to bring any harm to a human. As a matter of fact, that's strictly contrary to your code of conduct. You're one of only two dragon types that is aligned "Lawful Good" and is proficient in the use of magic and spells. If you're curious, the other is Platinum, the King of the Dragons. Your piety, beauty, wisdom, and inner strength are absolutely without parallel.


But of course, being a Gold Dragon isn't all high ethics and codes. You like to fly around scaring things, advise humans in their affairs, and shapeshift. Strike that, you LOVE to shapeshift. And you're great at it. In fact, if you're a Gold on the inside, you might be a Gold on the outside, too - just in human form. Your favorable attributes are honor, chivalry, truth, kindness, gold, mining, protection, wisdom, bravery, and trustworthiness. You might be a bit too trusting of humans at times, but they're just kids compared to you. If anyone threatens your humans or tries to kill you, you could strike back with your breath weapon - Fire. But then, no one's tried anything that stupid in the last couple thousand years. After all, you're about 54 feet long.



I think we all saw this one coming. :thumbsup:


I think its ironic the three Grand Goddesses and the Sire of this Order..3 of us are gold and one yellow..and all rare...Its as if we were chosen to lead the flock....Aye I did see it Grand Sire Deus Ultima!!


~Grand Goddess Crone Aeryn~

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well if they don't then i know what i'll be having for breakfast soon.dragon egg omelets


Sorry about double post but I just found that other post....

Now Sir Josh, that omelet thing is making the other eggs nervous....clicking away here, and noticed..The Goddesses and Grand Sire will not allow anything to happen to your eggs while they are here..Trust!!!!

So says the Grand Dragon Goddess Crone Aeryn...

NOW I have clicking to do, I know I am late, but the Goddess has an ear infection, and despite pain, I am clicking away, so rest assured even though the Maiden is going away for a bit the Crone is here clicking..rain or shine and if your in Ireland thats allot of rain, but still clicking!!!!!

Now settle down eggs, the good Sir Josh Will not mention omelette's anymore will he!!!!!!! :wink:


Edit *****Sheppard said...'yeah i know dezi cheers it was a joke ( a bad one...) stiill best of luck to the order i have put a link on my sig that links for the frist page of the order topic IE this one hehe

Twas not a bad joke and not meant to be an insult, there were rules, upon entering the Order proper, to post and one was to have an egg..Your intents are good, your link appreciated..but the rule stands or Choas will ensue with everyone thnking they can do it, there will be no tongue in cheek put downs about any of the Goddesses as that one was, about being a bad joke..

Thats how it all gets out of hand in a thread, one does it, then all try it...what we 3 Goddesses have decided for the Order's entrance and acceptance goes.. ..It was not a bad joke by Maiden Goddess Dezi, just the simple, truth..

Tis clear now Aye!!!!

Edited by Aeryn333
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I think its ironic the three Grand Goddesses and the Sire of this Order..3 of us are gold and one yellow..and all rare...Its as if we were chosen to lead the flock....Aye I did see it Grand Sire Deus Ultima!!


~Grand Goddess Crone Aeryn~


and then me and Raz, who were the two second people to join were silver :D

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Twas not a joke and not meant to be an insult, there were rules, upon entering the Order proper, to post and one was to have an egg..Your intents are good, your link appreciated..but the rule stands or Choas will ensue with everyone thnking they can do it, there will be no tongue in cheek put downs about any of the Goddesses as that one was, about being a bad joke..

Thats how it all gets out of hand in a thead, one does it, then all try it...what we 3 Goddess have decided for the Orders acceptance goes.. ..It was not a bad joke by Maiden Goddess Dezi, the truth..

Tis clear now Aye!!!!


ah...i see... well my deepest sorry about that Aeryn i wish you the best for this group


have a good time now



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