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The Order of the Dragon


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Ok well for -

1. War of the Worlds a movie (and a book).

2. I'm sorry i have things to do, places to go, people to see. That means i can't really spend my entire day clicking at eggs.


I'm sorry if I've offended but your eggs aren't all that matter

Kick me out, have me banned whatever. I'm not wasting my day just because people prefer to immerse themselves in fantasy and ignore real life for the most part. I know i took on responsibilities, but not anything large enough to take over my life, like you obviously expect it to do.

If you don't want to say it again, then don't. If you do then it's your fault you said it.


Again, sorry if I've offended, but if so, it's a slightly necessary offense.

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@Inkheart449' date='Mar 1 2009, 06:23 AM' post='867392']

Ok well for -

1. War of the Worlds a movie (and a book).

Fine there are other places to talk about movies and books..and that was not so bad, but you took the time to come here, why did you not click while you were here,

2. I'm sorry i have things to do, places to go, people to see. That means i can't really spend my entire day clicking at eggs.


No one expects you to, just when you do come here, do what we all do, thats all..click...not allot to ask..

I'm sorry if I've offended but your eggs aren't all that matter

Part of joining this order meant when you came here..you click eggs..thats what this thread is about.. it was not just about my eggs it was about all the eggs here, you also did not click..and as the second in charge reminding others of their duty is part of my job bhoyo..


Kick me out, have me banned whatever. I'm not wasting my day just because people prefer to immerse themselves in fantasy and ignore real life for the most part.

I know i took on responsibilities, but not anything large enough to take over my life, like you obviously expect it to do.


That was a cruel and unfair thing to say..and a big assumption..Shall I break that word down for you or do you get the picture.!!!!

This is not about taking over your life, if you had time to post that comment, you had time to click, so don't hand me the BS bhoyo..I didn't come up the Lee on a bubble you know..that excuse doesn't fly..


If you don't want to say it again, then don't. If you do then it's your fault you said it.


Its part of my job as one of the Goddesses of this order is to remind others at times, even if it makes me unpopular at times, of responsibilities..to save dragons , and to teach others how to..nothing I said was unfair..I was doing my job..


Again, sorry if I've offended, but if so, it's a slightly necessary offense.


You did not offend you hurt, and were downright cruel and uncalled for in some of what you said..

Taking the piss outta one of the Goddess be it me or Dezi, will not be tolerated simply because I reminded you of your responsibilities whilst your here..not all your bloody live long day, just when you come here, and you say that stuff to me, make assumptions, that really hurt.. >:(


After what I do here, time I devote here, since this place began, time I take out of my precious day,is for all of you, all of you, not just my own pleasure....and I bloody well deserve an apology.!!!!

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Might i say that this IS the internet, there are other places you can go to show off your eggs and dragons, not just here


Reality does tend to be cruel, and it tends to hurt.

Everything does for that matter.

I didn't mean to offend but, though it is still just a few clicks, it still takes a while. Especially when it's more or less expected to click 2+ pages back.


And as a side note, the higher ups tend to thing more of their dragons then others. That's not to say they care ONLY about their eggs (I understand i was a bit harsh on that note) but still, the fact stands.


For the last thing you said - This is a forum on the internet. Wherever you go, whatever you do, there is someone somewhere screaming into their pillow, banging on the keyboard, or fuming withing the confines of their minds about every little detail.




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@inkheart449' date='Mar 1 2009, 07:34 AM' post='867507']

Might i say that this IS the internet, there are other places you can go to show off your eggs and dragons, not just here


First Dezi and I by her side, created this thread for just that...and I well know that there are other places but this is hers, and me by her side, The Dragon Order thread.

Reality does tend to be cruel, and it tends to hurt.

Everything does for that matter.

I didn't mean to offend but, though it is still just a few clicks, it still takes a while. Especially when it's more or less expected to click 2+ pages back.


I feel you are talking down to me, I am no kid la...very far from it...

Ah I see, but you are, I just read your profile, that, explains allot..you are a cheeky bhoyo, a 14 year old lad, telling me a wisened womon of my years, about reality and its hard knocks..That irony is quite amusing really..you have no idea..

Still ever heard about respecting your elders, and not talking down at them..

I probably know more about this process, than you assume..Its about responsibility ON THIS THREAD .IN THIS ORDER!!!!!! Not how many clicks it takes ect ect.. I am a breeder I know all that stuff..I am also a member of the DC forum ect...


I know all that..that was not what this was about..It was what Dezi has done at times, and I do too, remind others, now and then, when we see others not clicking,we remind them,when they joined they agreed to click on others dragons when they are here... full stop!!!!


And as a side note, the higher ups tend to thing more of their dragons then others. That's not to say they care ONLY about their eggs (I understand i was a bit harsh on that note) but still, the fact stands.

For the last thing you said - This is a forum on the internet. Wherever you go, whatever you do, there is someone somewhere screaming into their pillow, banging on the keyboard, or fuming withing the confines of their minds about every little detail.


Right facts.....you joined this particularly Dragon Order in this particular thread to do this particular thing..others do, you can..you don't like the requirements of the order of dragons, then just why are you here.. then who's problem is that..I have had it...with you personally.. and all your double talk..la


As for what you said about fuming about details,etc etc.. aye kids do that, but disrespect lad is not a detail..and its not something I take lightly..


Part of my responsibility as one of the Goddesses you are not seeming to get, is that is part o' my job, besides congrats and all, is also reminding others of their responsibilities in this thread and this Dragon Order alone..

Your excuse still doesn't fly, nor your disrespectful attitude..

There are young ones about and this isn't the place for this discussion..enough!!!!!...

Take the reminder of your duty in this place, in stride like the others do, to me, to Dezi, the creator Goddesses.. and to all the members seriously, take the reminder like a young man..and stop with your backtalk..

I will say no more to you...this conversation between us is over..Finis!!!!!!




On a far pleasanter note, I just got a wee gold egg, the Goddess knows how to cheer me up when I am down.. :smile:


Rounds done!!!!!

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Ok well for -

1. War of the Worlds a movie (and a book).

2. I'm sorry i have things to do, places to go, people to see. That means i can't really spend my entire day clicking at eggs.


I'm sorry if I've offended but your eggs aren't all that matter

Kick me out, have me banned whatever. I'm not wasting my day just because people prefer to immerse themselves in fantasy and ignore real life for the most part. I know i took on responsibilities, but not anything large enough to take over my life, like you obviously expect it to do.

If you don't want to say it again, then don't. If you do then it's your fault you said it.


Again, sorry if I've offended, but if so, it's a slightly necessary offense.

You took my topic, way "off topic" Aeryn was correct in stateing what she did. It's fine to click once a day, no one asks more than that.

You asked for the responceability when you joined, no one forced you to join. And then you enter here with an I don't care attitude,and are extremely rude and downright insulting to Aeryn.

Your comment about this is a game is correct and some immerse themselves more than others do. I find that your words and treatment of the "Elder Stateman" of this order offensive.


A slight offence was necessary as you put it!! Common sense and manners dictate otherwise. You were given a ruling and you took it upon yourself to retaliate in a truely unnecessary manner. She is a head of this order and as such to be treated with courtousy and respect and if you can't do that then your free to leave any time you like!

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Go raibh maith agat (thank you so much) love..

Now I can rest, peacefully...

We Goddesses stick together, now lets get back to the happiness here and joy of loving and giving.. :smile:

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Go raibh maith agat (thank you so much) love..

Now I can rest, peacefully...

We Goddesses stick together, now lets get back to the happiness here and joy of loving and giving.. :smile:

kapayapaan at matamis managinip akin ibigin! peace and sweet dreams my love!

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Alright, fine.

Oh and don't talk to me about age. I don't care how old someone is. I'll say what i have to say and if you don't like it, deal with it.


This is my last post in this thread.


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