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The Order of the Dragon


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Getting anxious yet about going...love..I am for you... :wink:


@Mayu. don't worry she's not fogged cause she sick, I am trying to hold her back aliitle for you..

but that might not help for they still grow up fogged just slower..


Listen if your duel genders female...Why don't I just trade this one..For I see you now have 7 hatchlings, and I doubt they will all grow as I look at the times compared to my duel.. and you must have only 3 hacthies to take another one..For the wee duel I have is down to 4. something days..and I am afraid its gonna run out of time before she grows up, and then its to late to do anything....


So what you think if I rather trade her to someone who needs her now, if yours does not gender female I can do this again at another time.. :smile:

So let me know soon, we can always do this again..I don't want you to feel hathcling pressured, you have enough wee ones on your hands..la


Also, Mayu I mentionend 2 of your hatchlings I can't even see the time, it is not showing on your geode or white when they will grow up, is anyone else having that problem of that not showing up , or is it just me..or one of the Drag cave weird glitches?





I'm very anxious,I'll be very close to the Gulf,and I have a definate weakness for fresh seafood.I know I'll be hitting the treadmill when I get back...lol


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Also, Mayu I mentionend 2 of your hatchlings I can't even see the time, it is not showing on your geode or white when they will grow up, is anyone else having that problem of that not showing up , or is it just me..or one of the Drag cave weird glitches?


This is because those 2 are frozen^^.


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Edit: well, most of them, the Dragon Cave seems to be down again...

Edit2: But now, all clicked. Don't forget Aaron's and DWBH's eggs some pages back(post count 1655)

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Mayu, your dual and your pink need to go in the ER.


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And Aeryn, congrats on your gendered gold (you've got a male and female now, yes?).

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I'll be out of town.Hopefully when I get back Aerynn will have some new ones for me!!! :biggrin:

Indeed I will.. :biggrin:


I am sorry I have not posted here lately all, I got an unexpected post inthe mail, of an unexpected death inthe family, that got me aliitle dazed right now, but I did come and put all of Aaron's and Reavers inthe ER for they were all on their death bed, and I see they survived and one of Azirs blacks..I meant to post, but I guess I closed, browser berfore I hit send.. I thougtn I did but I see I did not..My mind is in a bit of a fog right now..


Ah and to answer your Q Azir..aye, I have my gold pair she gendered again as i wished..


So all..I will be here, I just need a wee time to process, but I will click, and watch and ER those who need it.. I will bide my time, egging and mating ect..while I process this, so be patient with me..


Love you Dezi my dear be safe!!! Slán go foill.Slán abhaile, (bye for now, safe home)!!!!


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So..from now on in my Sig there will be two sets of eggs, till our Dezi returns, I will label them mine and hers...for her scrolls in my keeping whilst shes away..

OK all..later..I need to try to get some sleep..

So please click 'em all for us..

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