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The Order of the Dragon


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no i won't mention omelets any more.even though my eggs started getting cracks in them after i said that.



Thank you Sir Josh, the eggs are calming down already, I know patience is hard, you know the watched kettle never bolis and all that la..Finally my last two babaes have a hole soon there be many Dragons here..you'll see, and yours shall be wonderful to behold when they hatch....Soon Sir Josh..there be more Dragons.. :smile:

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I think its ironic the three Grand Goddesses and the Sire of this Order..3 of us are gold and one yellow..and all rare...Its as if we were chosen to lead the flock....Aye I did see it Grand Sire Deus Ultima!!


~Grand Goddess Crone Aeryn~


and then me and Raz, who were the two second people to join were silver :D


Aye it is...ironic I think not, meant to be, I think so...Are you excited about all the holes and soon to be dragons that will be popping forth soon..Grand Dragon Goth!!!!!

I promise, I will go and write down everyones given name in the Order, and address you as such..Till then I will say Sir..out of respect to each member!!!

See that was a fast correction.. :wink:


~Grand Goddess Crone Aeryn~

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When an egg hatches an official congrats will be given from the Goddesses, give us time to see them all..and it will be done....The Grand Goddess Crone just hatched a babae red Dragon awwwww

You type faster than I do, Thank you Grand Dragon Goth!!!!


Edit again...as I typed again a Green babae emerged also, how grand, two in one day, I am stoked..

Edited by Aeryn333
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Thanks again Grand Dragon Goth and Sir Josh, you think you could put your official name in your post till I get them all written down so I can address you properly ...Ah and then there is the Maiden Goddess thank you very much..it happened so fast while I was typing..Go raibh mile maith agat(a thousand thank yous) all..
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