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The Order of the Dragon


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Yeah the main site's been down for awhile. They're thinking it was because of the changes they made to the front page on St Patrick's day. The forum's still up though.
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Hi sweet Dezi....I am having dragon withdrawel..Hi Josh Glad to see you again..


OK those are just rumours, about what they are calling the ST Pattys Day Lagmonster...this is my version of all the sigs they have made about it..,.I did in Photoshop after others came up with their ones..



To find the real info you must go to the Forum..Dragon cave ,then Go to News and under topic State of the Cave TJ tells what really going on..and keeps updating his first post..

Its the host..that buggered him actually..they had problems with that, also the host had a firewall installed, and there firewall thought it was being hit, so TJ is having to change hosts..and its a big dramamrama runaround with the hosting..rigth now to get it back going he's going with a temp one right now..


Here it is..in its entirety the update.thus far....

http://forums.dragcave.net/html/user_icons/tj09.png posted Mar 18 2009, 05:38 AM


LagCave and FailCave

At the moment, all I really have to work with is this:

QUOTE We'll take a look and we'll get back to you asap.


Thank you for your patience

Which is what I was told 12 hours ago.


Egg Drops

Until the cave speeds up again, I've disabled the creation of new eggs. You can still obtain eggs through breeding or on the abandoned page. ( news update breeding has been disabled for now also no drops, 'till its fixed..and the host gets off its bloody arse and does right by TJ... but occasional hatchlings abandonments have been caught supposedly by some peoole..)


Forum optimization

Sometime soon (tomorrow, probably) the forum will go down for a short period of time while I change some settings.



I've received the following responses from my host:

QUOTE (@ 6:10 PM EST)We installed a firewall that takes care of all the attacks and anything that could happen and have the network down...now if this problem is related with that then we need to add special rules for your server. Please provide us with the type of usage of your server and what I mean with that is how many connections you get per second usually, the amount of bandwidth used usually, the number of emails send/received usually and things like this so we can create specific rules for your server.

I responded with the info he requested, and got:

QUOTE (@ 6:44 PM EST)I'll have this ticket placed as a priority for our tech guy to work on it.http://forums.dragcave.net/html/user_icons/tj09.png

Posted: Mar 21 2009, 10:34 PM

I've already ordered a temporary dedicated server to switch the site to until the problems go away, because regardless of whether or not I choose to wait it out, or ship the server elsewhere, a lot of downtime will be involved.


Posted: Mar 21 2009, 11:14 PM

I e-mailed the dedi-host (Same one as the previous dedi), and got this response (within like 5 minutes):


QUOTE Just checked the order, everything looks good :-) Just allow about 24 hours for the server to be deployed and ready.


If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

I forgot how much I like SurpassHosting. Too bad their colocation service costs 10x the current service.


Monday well thats gone by or Tues he said it should be up hopefully...baring any unforeseen..

The cave is sporadic sometimes you can get to view half your dragons sometimes it loads, but action or clicking on them usually times it out..so its hard to check, for its loads half ways sometimes , sometimes you may get a brief glimpse of them all, but it does not last long especially if you try any action like view them..I did manage after 100 refreshes to name one...but its a real pain to keep doing that.. mostly you get nothing at all..


where there at the site below, site will do that also if you ask..

Thats all for now, miss all, miss my dragons..You silver grew up to a fine female, and mine a another male..never did see them grow up did we..


Your eggs and hatchlings will keep being given time, so they will also be revived if they die..so no worries...these are TJ promise he's already given my hatchling more time, not that they needed it, but since they are not getting views, they are sorta in suspended animation now, until this is resolved, but the dead Will be revivied no worries..There are sites like this one, that will check your scroll and hand put them into their site and view them themselves..if there are in emergency though..


Its called http://www.eggswillbedragons.com/lagometer.php if you Pm him he will add you wee ones, also you can check how laggy the cave is with his lag metre, he's be very helpful during this time,when the emergency sites cannot access the cave he does it manually when you give him the codes and then vies them..fro you, with volnteeers there..he has a thread about it here post you scroll name and he wiulla ccess it, and they will chedck you scroll for you if you cannot..

Its at the forum..his topic...The Topic is Scroll check.. these people, and this site.. are being very nice they check mine when I could not access it at all..so if your worried go here ask..they will do it..and post the info of on your Dragons and igf they fiond an emetgency one will pout it in by handinto his site above..

Heres the thread....http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=45375&view=getnewpost


Be patient all..love you Dezi...miss you..sweetie



Its back go check it out TJ put the Lagmonster pic blocking the cave at least he kept his sense of humour, but things are returning bit by bit, dragons can be viewed!!!!


with all the added time and added time twice I have two hatchhies that will forever be teenagers, till they grow up..please click my poor blue with only two clicks..speed up its growth process alittle..


Oh yeahhhh its back, well almost totally back, a few more little things like breeding and all, and it will be done, now don't everyone go mad and start breeding everything on their scroll, or that lagmonster may come back with overload, all things in moderation even if its tempting...

Edited by Aeryn333
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Eh all..Aye I said that in my last post it was up...Did you all get to see the pic of the Lagmonster..I told you Dezi dear heart my Duels would give you a girl..Now you have another pair...Your duel male should be happy hope he likes her. and you wee stone is a male so you can now try to breed Geodes, when he grows up, so two more pairs great, hope your stone lady likes him also... :thumbsup:
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